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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Acquisition Financing: Buyer Beware? No, Lender Beware 미리보기
Davis, J. Risk Management Association 2013
142 저널기사 Acquisition of a Foreign Target by a U.S. Public Company: Using a `Blown B' Structure 미리보기
Kosnitzky, M.; Mitev, I.; Blum, K. Tax Analysts 2013
143 저널기사 Acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights: Australia's Plain Tobacco Packaging Dispute 미리보기
Voon, T. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
144 저널기사 Acquisitions Signal Smith & Nephew's Emerging Market Strategy 미리보기
Salemi, T. Channing, Weinberg & Co. 2013
145 저널기사 Across the divide (1): Iowa's purple heart 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
146 저널기사 Across the divide (2): The Christie recipe 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
147 저널기사 Act Before the Deadline: Exclusion of 100% of QSBS Gain 미리보기
Kreissl, L.J.; Pulliam, D. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2013
148 저널기사 Actelion Braces For Tracleer Patent Cliff With New Drugs, New Data Standards 미리보기
Senior, M. Channing, Weinberg & Co 2013
149 저널기사 Action learning for developing nurses in South Korea 미리보기
Cho, Y.; Bong, H.-C.; Jang, K.-S. Interscience Enterprises 2013
150 저널기사 Action learning for middle manager development: the case of an Australian state-based large organisation 미리보기
Nelson, S.A.; Yeo, R.K. Interscience Enterprises 2013
151 저널기사 Action research on high-tech SMEs entering the US market 미리보기
Paulin, W.L.; Belt, P.; Mottonen, M.; Harkonen, J.; Haapasalo, H. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2013
152 저널기사 Actions applied by Chinese shipping companies under greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme 미리보기
Shi, X.; Zhang, Y.; Voss, S. Inderscience Publishers 2013
153 저널기사 Active Share and Mutual Fund Performance 미리보기
Petajisto, A. C F A Institute 2013
154 저널기사 Activision's 'Call of Duty' marches on 미리보기
McDermott, John Crain Communications 2013
155 저널기사 Activist Investing, Nelson Peltz-style 미리보기
Benner, Katie Time, inc., etc.] 2013
156 저널기사 Activist investors: Let's do it my way 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
157 저널기사 Activists and Incumbents Structuring Change: The Interplay of Agency, Culture, and Networks in Field Evolution 미리보기
van Wijk, J.; Stam, W.; Elfring, T.; Zietsma, C.; Hond, F.d. Academy of Management 2013
158 저널기사 Activities for Quality and Safety Assurance of social services in Yodakubo Welfare Organization-Interview with Yutaka Muraoka (Managing Director) and Misato Hoshina (Assistant Manager of General Affairs) 미리보기
Tsuru, S.; Kato, S. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2013
159 저널기사 Activity for Quality and Safety Assurance in Sugi Medical-Interview with Keiji Arai (President) and Kesami Sano (General Manager, Quality Management Department) 미리보기
Tsuru, S.; Kato, S. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2013
160 저널기사 (Activity Situation of Division of Research Association for Effective Use of Management System and Audit) - Introduction to the Feature 미리보기
Fukumaru, N. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2013
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