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1681 저널기사 The African Union at 50 Shooting your own feet 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
1682 저널기사 The African Union, Constitutionalism and Power-Sharing 미리보기
Vandeginste, S. Cambridge University Press 2013
1683 저널기사 The Agency Costs of Agency Capitalism: Activist Investors and the Revaluation of Governance Rights 미리보기
Gilson, R.J.; Gordon, J.N. Columbia University School of Law 2013
1684 저널기사 The Agenda for Adequate, Safe and Sustainable Pensions from a German Point of View 미리보기
Jochum, H. Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers 2013
1685 저널기사 The Agenda-Setting Power of Stakeholder Media 미리보기
Hunter, M.L.; Van Wassenhove, L.N.; Besiou, M.; van Halderen, M. Graduate Schools of Business Administration, University of California 2013
1686 저널기사 The Age of Jackson 미리보기
Schlesinger, A.M. The Republic Pub. Co 2013
1687 저널기사 The Agony of the Euro 미리보기
R. C. Smith Independent Institute 2013
1688 저널기사 The AICPA's Financial Reporting Framework for Small and Medium-Sized Entities. 미리보기
Sanders Joseph C. ; Lindberg Deborah L. ; Seifert Deborah L. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2013
1689 저널기사 The Alien Tort Statute, Separation of Powers, and the Limits of Federal-Common-Law Causes of Action 미리보기
Metlitsky, A. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association 2013
1690 저널기사 THE ALL-NIGHT KING OF THE CAPITAL Learning power politics from Gene Sperling 미리보기
Ioffe, J. The Republic Pub. Co. 2013
1691 저널기사 The alpha alignment factor: a solution to the underestimation of risk for optimized active portfolios 미리보기
Saxena, A.; Stubbs, R.A. unknown 2013
1692 저널기사 The Alpha, Beta, and Consistency of Private Equity Reported Returns: The reported returns of U.S. private equity funds are benchmarked against passive exposures from public equity markets. Over the full sample period, private equity returns display three factors: market beta of less than one, small transaction size and growth, and a four-quarter lag behind public markets. Buyout funds delivered alpha of about 5.5% per annum; venture capital performed poorly. Closer examination reveals that these estimates are inconsistent over time, cautioning against extrapolation from historical averages 미리보기
Fan, F.J.; Fleming, G.; Warren, G.J. Institutional Investor 2013
1693 저널기사 The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive. European Regulation of Alternative Investment Funds by Dirk A. Zetzsche 미리보기
Heidinger, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
1694 저널기사 The Ambition and Transformative Potential of Progressive Property 미리보기
Rosser, E. School of Jurisprudence of the University of California 2013
1695 저널기사 THE AMERICAN BEGINNING The complications of a colonial classic 미리보기
Taylor, A. The Republic Pub. Co 2013
1696 저널기사 The American Civil War: A Reply to Critics 미리보기
Ashworth, J. Brill Academic Publisher 2013
1697 저널기사 The American Convention and the Protocol of San Salvador: Two Intertwined Treaties. Non-Enforceability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Inter-American System 미리보기
Ruiz-Chiriboga, O.R. Intersentia 2013
1698 저널기사 The American National State and the Early West. By William H. Bergmann. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012. Px, 288. $90.00, hardcover. 미리보기
Karen Clay Economic History Association at the University of Pennsylvania [etc.] 2013
1699 저널기사 The American National State and the Early West. By William H. Bergmann. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. x + 288 pp. Maps, bibliography, index. Cloth, 미리보기
Ethan R. Bennett Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2013
1700 저널기사 The American poor Finance at the margins 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
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