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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
461 저널기사 Agricultural Value Chains and Food Security 미리보기
Dixit, D. Werner Pub 2014
462 저널기사 Agricultural Vocational Training and the Labour Market in Hungary 미리보기
Imola Cseh Papp;Tünde Csapóné Riskó New Delhi Publishers 2014
463 저널기사 Agriculture Bring back the landlords 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
464 저널기사 Agriculture in the Global Economy 미리보기
Alston, J.M.; Pardey, P.G. The Association 2014
465 저널기사 Agropolis: The Role of Urban Agriculture in Addressing Food Insecurity in Developing Cities 미리보기
Koscica, M. School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University 2014
466 저널기사 AG Stuttgart, 10.01.2014 - 3 IN 806/13: Angemessene Höhe der Vergütung des „isolierten“ Sachverständigen im Regelfall 105 Euro (m. Anm. Keller) 미리보기
Beck 2014
467 저널기사 Ahmedabad: Shock City of Twentieth-Century India. ByHoward Spodek. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2011. xvi + 330 pp. Illustrations, maps, glossary, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, 미리보기
Douglas E. Haynes Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2014
468 저널기사 Ahmed Abu Khattala The firebrand of Benghazi arrested 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
469 단행본 AI approaches to the complexity of legal systems : AICOL 2013 international workshops, AICOL-IV@IVR, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, July 21-27, 2013 and AICOL-V@SINTELNET-JURIX, Bologna, Italy, December 11, 2013, revised selected papers 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Pompeu Casanovas [and three others] (eds.) Springer 2014
470 저널기사 AICPA Identifies Problems With IRS's Electronic Signature Rules 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
471 저널기사 AICPA Sues IRS to Stop Return Preparer Program 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
472 저널기사 `Aid for gays': the moral and the material in `African homophobia' in post-2009 Malawi 미리보기
Biruk, C. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
473 저널기사 Aid for health care New prescriptions 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
474 저널기사 Aiding and Abetting Fraud by Filing False Tax Returns. 미리보기
Benson Sandra S. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2014
475 저널기사 Aid in Taiwan's foreign policy: putting Ma Ying-jeou's aid reforms in historical perspective 미리보기
Atkinson, Joel Oxford University Press 2014
476 저널기사 Aid Under Fire: Development Projects and Civil Conflict 미리보기
Crost, B.; Felter, J.; Johnston, P. American Economic Association 2014
477 저널기사 Ailing Croatia A mighty mess 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
478 저널기사 AIM FOR THE HEAD. 미리보기
Bird, Simon Profile Publishing 2014
479 저널기사 Aiming to attract foreign investors 미리보기
unknown Seatrade Organisation 2014
480 저널기사 Airbnb versus hotels : Room for all, for now 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
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