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661 저널기사 Amazon veut regner sur les e-books 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2014
662 저널기사 Ambassadors Fight Tax Haven Label 미리보기
Hamilton, A. Tax Analysts 2014
663 저널기사 Ambiguity Aversion with Three or More Outcomes 미리보기
Machina, M.J. American Economic Association 2014
664 저널기사 Ambiguous Business Cycles 미리보기
Ilut, C.L.; Schneider, M. American Economic Association 2014
665 저널기사 Ambiguous Pleasures: Sexuality and Middle Class Self-Perceptions in Nairobi by Rachel Spronk New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2012. Pp. 310. GBP 60 (hbk) 미리보기
Scheibler, A. Cambridge Univ. Pr 2014
666 저널기사 Ambition 미리보기
Fiorentino, F. New Left Review Ltd.] 2014
667 저널기사 Ambition: A History from Vice to Virtue 미리보기
Montanye JA Independent Institute 2014
668 저널기사 Ambition Is Nothing Without Focus: Compensating for Negative Transfer of Experience in R&D 미리보기
Ghosh, A.; Martin, X.; Pennings, J.M.; Wezel, F.C. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
669 저널기사 Ambivalence in Organizations: A Multilevel Approach 미리보기
Ashforth, B.E.; Rogers, K.M.; Pratt, M.G.; Pradies, C. Institute of Management Sciences 2014
670 저널기사 Ambivalent Intersectionality 미리보기
Erica Townsend-Bell Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2014
671 저널기사 Ambivalenzen eines geschlechtergerechten Völkerstrafrechts 미리보기
Tanja Hitzel-Cassagnes ; Franziska Martinsen Nomos 2014
672 저널기사 Ambush Board Co. augments e-commerce efforts 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
673 저널기사 AMC Liquidators manages business in the cloud 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
674 저널기사 Amended Tax Laws Take Effect 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2014
675 저널기사 Amended VAT, Enterprise Income Tax Laws Passed 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2014
676 저널기사 Amendment Would Narrow Scope of Group Tax Treatment 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2014
677 저널기사 Amenity Values versus Land Constraints: The Spatial Effects of Natural Landscape Features on Housing Values 미리보기
Irwin, E.G.; Jeanty, P.W.; Partridge, M.D. University of Wisconsin 2014
678 저널기사 Amercian Express sends out RFP suggesting it will go 100% programmatic 미리보기
Kantrowitz, Alex Crain Communications 2014
679 저널기사 America, Afghanistan and opium Ten billion wasted 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
680 저널기사 America and Africa The next great disruption 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
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