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101 저널기사 Accidental Inheritance: Retirement Accounts and the Hidden Law of Succession 미리보기
Sterk, S.E.; Leslie, M.B. New York University School of Law 2014
102 저널기사 Accommodating Every Body 미리보기
Stein, M.A.; Silvers, A.; Areheart, B.A.; Francis, L.P. University of Chicago Press 2014
103 저널기사 Accountability for public expenditure in Bangladesh: the principal-agent problem and role of the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General 미리보기
Haque, Mohammad Ashraful Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong 2014
104 저널기사 Accountability in One-Party Government: Rethinking the Success of Chinese Economic Reform 미리보기
Gilli, M.; Li, Y. J. C. B. Mohr 2014
105 저널기사 Accountable care organizations in the USA: Types, developments and challenges 미리보기
Barnes, A. J.; Unruh, L.; Chukmaitov, A.; van Ginneken, E. Elsevier : Elsevier Science Pub. Co. 2014
106 저널기사 Accounting Accruals, Future Operating Performance, and Public-Listing Age 미리보기
Huang, Lin; Shu, Yan M.E. Sharpe 2014
107 저널기사 Accounting and Auditing Activities of the Ontario Securities Commission, 1960s to 2008 Part 3: The Fifth Chief Accountant, 1996-2008 미리보기
Zeff, S. A.; Radcliffe, V.; Gunz, S. Canadian Academic Accounting Association : Wiley-Blackwell 2014
108 저널기사 Accounting and Sweatshops: Enabling Coordination and Control in Low-Price Apparel Production Chains 미리보기
Neu, D.; Rahaman, A. S.; Everett, J. Canadian Academic Accounting Association 2014
109 저널기사 Accounting Anomalies, Risk, and Return 미리보기
Stephen H. Penman ; Julie Lei Zhu American Accounting Association.. 2014
110 저널기사 Accounting apprentices 미리보기
Hathaway, S. Accountancy 2014
111 저널기사 Accounting Association IMA Is Relevant for Banks, Too In this interview with RMA Journal Editorial Advisory Board member Dev Strischek, IMA chair William F. Knese, CMA, CFM. CPA, discusses IMA's longstanding focus on ethics- and on adding value that ultimately benefits banks as well as the businesses they support 미리보기
unknown Risk Management Association 2014
112 저널기사 Accounting Compliance – Haftungsrisiken und Organisationsanforderungen bei der Rechnungslegung in Kapitalgesellschaften 미리보기
Eschenfelder Recht und Wirtschaft 2014
113 저널기사 Accounting Conservatism, Earnings Persistence, and Pricing Multiples on Earnings 미리보기
Chen, L.H.; Folsom, D.M.; Paek, W.; Sami, H. American Accounting Association 2014
114 저널기사 Accounting for brands Untouchable intangibles 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
115 저널기사 Accounting for Crises 미리보기
Nagar, V.; Yu, G. American Economic Association 2014
116 저널기사 Accounting for Ministers: Scandal and Survival in British Government 1945–2007 미리보기
Indridason, Indridi H. F. Cass 2014
117 저널기사 Accounting for power usage Richard Hill, head of finance at Ensek, says current revenue recognition accounting methods are too costly for the energy industry 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2014
118 저널기사 Accounting for Unobservable Preference and Scale Heterogeneity 미리보기
Czajkowski, M.; Giergiczny, M.; Greene, W.H. University of Wisconsin 2014
119 저널기사 Accounting for Virtual Currencies. 미리보기
Barry Joanne S. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2014
120 저널기사 Accounting fraud Got'em, Gotham 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
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