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2015 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Achieving the Coexistence of Accountability and Immunity: The Prosecution of Devyani Khobragade and the Role of Consular Immunity in Criminal Cases 미리보기
Bleustein, Irina Kotchach American Bar Association, Section of Criminal Justice [etc.]. 2015
102 저널기사 Achieving the EU Air Policy Objectives in Due Time: A Reality or a Hoax?  미리보기
Samvel Varvaštian Kluwer Law International : Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2015
103 저널기사 ACI and Great Eastern shuffle their fleets 미리보기
unknown Seatrade Organisation 2015
104 저널기사 Acknowledgement of Referees 미리보기
unknown Carfax Pub. Co. [etc.] 2015
105 저널기사 Acknowledgements 미리보기
unknown Dept. of Economics, California State University [etc.] 2015
106 저널기사 Acknowledgements 미리보기
unknown Handelsblatt gmbh 2015
107 저널기사 Acknowledgements 미리보기
Auel, Katrin; Christiansen, Thomas F. Cass 2015
108 저널기사 Acknowledgement to Reviewers 2014 미리보기
unknown Taylor & Francis 2015
109 저널기사 Acknowledgments 미리보기
unknown Gerontological Society of America 2015
110 저널기사 Acknowledgments 미리보기
unknown Gerontological Society of America 2015
111 저널기사 ACLU v. Clapper: The Fourth Amendment in the Digital Age 미리보기
Erin E. Connare Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence, State University of New York at Buffalo 2015
112 단행본 ACL 김중근 형사소송법 핵심정리 미리보기
전체 열기 | 중앙도서관 대출가능 열기 | 법학도서관 대출가능 열기
김중근 편저 에이씨엘커뮤니케이션 2015
113 저널기사 Acquirer Valuation and Acquisition Decisions: Identifying Mispricing Using Short Interest 미리보기
Ben-David I, Drake MS, Roulstone DT University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2015
114 저널기사 Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry 미리보기
Braguinsky, Serguey; Ohyama, Atsushi; Okazaki, Tetsuji; Syverson, Chad American Economic Association 2015
115 저널기사 Across the Aisle: Opposition in Canadian Politics, David E. Smith, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013, pp. xiii, 228. 미리보기
R. Kenneth Carty University of Toronto Press. 2015
116 저널기사 Action 15: Multilateral Instrument To Implement BEPS 미리보기
Sheppard, Lee A. Tax Analysts 2015
117 저널기사 Action and Action-Regulation in Entrepreneurship: Evaluating a Student Training for Promoting Entrepreneurship 미리보기
Gielnik, Michael M.; Frese, Michael; Kahara-Kawuki, Audrey; Katono, Isaac Wasswa; Kyejjusa, Sarah; Ngoma, Muhammed; Munene, John; Namatovu-Dawa, Rebecca; Nansubuga, Florence; Orobia, Laura Academy of Management 2015
118 저널기사 Action collective ou class action? 미리보기
Izard, Sabine Wolters Kluwer 2015
119 저널기사 Active Avoidance: The Modern Supreme Court and Legal Change 미리보기
Katyal, Neal Kumar; Schmidt, Thomas P. Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2015
120 저널기사 Active Controllers or Wealthy Rentiers? Large Shareholders in Victorian Public Companies 미리보기
Graeme G. Acheson ; Gareth Campbell ; John D. Turner Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2015
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