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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1241 저널기사 Attitudinal Determinants of Local Public Health Workers' Participation in Hurricane Sandy Recovery Activities 미리보기
Nicole A. Errett [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2015
1242 저널기사 Attitudinal Determinants of Local Public Health Workers' Participation in Hurricane Sandy Recovery Activities 미리보기
Nicole A. Errett [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2015
1243 저널기사 Attracting Talent: Location Choices of Foreign-Born PhDs in the United States 미리보기
Grogger, Jeffrey; Hanson, Gordon H. University of Chicago Press 2015
1244 저널기사 Attribute Level Heterogeneity 미리보기
Ebbes, Peter; Liechty, John C.; Grewal, Rajdeep Institute of Management Sciences] 2015
1245 저널기사 Attributes influencing information search for college choice: an exploratory study 미리보기
Verghese, A.; Kamalanabhan, T.J. Inderscience 2015
1246 저널기사 Attributes Versus Benefits: The Role of Construal Levels and Appeal Type on the Persuasiveness of Marketing Messages 미리보기
Hernandez, José Mauro da Costa; Wright, Scott A.; Ferminiano Rodrigues, Filipe M.E. Sharpe 2015
1247 저널기사 Attribution and accountability: voting for roads in Ghana 미리보기
Harding, Robin Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 2015
1248 저널기사 Attuned design of demand response program and M-FACTS for relieving congestion in a restructured market environment 미리보기
Hashemi, Y.; Shayeghi, H.; Hashemi, B. Higher Education Press : springer 2015
1249 저널기사 At War in the Garden of Eden 미리보기
Percy, Jen The Republic Pub. Co 2015
1250 저널기사 Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in Frankreich und Belgien am Beispiel des Teilzeit- und Befristungrechts und des Rechts der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung – ein Überblick 미리보기
Sven Bleck C. H. Beck 2015
1251 저널기사 AUDI GETS IT RIGHT WITH GERVAIS: Band of uncompromising iconoclasts make case for entry-level luxury 미리보기
Wheaton, Ken Crain Communications 2015
1252 저널기사 Audit changes are forcing mid-tier firms to question whether the public interest entity marketplace is for them, says BDO director of ethics Jane Fowler 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2015
1253 저널기사 Audit Committee Incentives and the Resolution of Detected Misstatements 미리보기
Keune, Marsha B.; Johnstone, Karla M. Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2015
1254 저널기사 Audit Committee Stock Options and Financial Reporting Quality after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 미리보기
Campbell, John L.; Hansen, James; Simon, Chad A.; Smith, Jason L. Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2015
1255 저널기사 Audit Fees and Client Industry Homogeneity 미리보기
Cairney, Timothy D.; Stewart, Errol G. Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2015
1256 저널기사 Audit Fees and Social Capital 미리보기
Jha, Anand; Chen, Yu American Accounting Association. 2015
1257 저널기사 Auditing Interpretation. 미리보기
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
1258 저널기사 Auditing Interpretations...Ethics Interpretation 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
1259 저널기사 Auditor Independence and Audit Quality: A Literature Review 미리보기
Tepalagul, N.; Lin, L. Greenwood, New York University 2015
1260 저널기사 Auditor Independence in Fact: Research, Regulatory, and Practice Implications Drawn from Experimental and Archival Research 미리보기
Church, Bryan K.; Jenkins, J. Gregory; McCracken, Susan A.; Roush, Pamela B.; Stanley, Jonathan D. American Accounting Association 2015
맨앞 이전 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 다음 맨뒤
