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2015 삭제


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1381 저널기사 Avis de gros temps sur les retraites chapeau 미리보기
Calbiac, Jean de Wolters Kluwer 2015
1382 저널기사 Avi-Yonah Finds Fault With U.S. International Reform Report 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2015
1383 저널기사 Avoiding a bad investment is key as pension drawdown risks proliferate, advises Tim Wixted, Neglect Assist 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2015
Otuteye, Eben; Siddiquee, Mohammad Institutional Investor, Inc 2015
1385 저널기사 Avoiding Penalties for Tax Return Positions. 미리보기
Skarlatos Bryan C. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2015
1386 저널기사 Avoiding the 'Adblockalypse'. 미리보기
Traore, Lance Profile Publishing 2015
1387 저널기사 Avoiding the Fraud Mind-set. 미리보기
Boyle, Douglas M.; Boyle, James F.; Mahoney, Daniel P.  Institute of Management Accountants 2015
1388 저널기사 Avoid These Five Common and Costly Tax Mistakes 미리보기
A. Daga Penton/IPC 2015
1389 저널기사 Avoid VAT pitfalls over registration thresholds for furnished holiday lettings, says Murice Patry, director of Landlords Tax Services 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2015
1390 저널기사 Award recognizes 2014 CPA exam's top scorers Two initiatives address not-for-profits Where to Turn 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
1391 저널기사 Axel Freiherr von Campenhausen/Andreas Richter, Stiftungsrechts-Handbuch 미리보기
Ulrich Karpen Carl Heymanns 2015
1392 저널기사 Axel Honneth: Freedom's Right: The Social Foundations of Democratic Life. Translated by Joseph Ganahl. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. Pp. 412.) 미리보기
Arto Laitinen University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2015
1393 저널기사 Axiomatic properties of inconsistency indices for pairwise comparisons 미리보기
Brunelli, Matteo; Fedrizzi, Michele Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2015
1394 저널기사 Axis of Evil or Access to Diesel? Spaces of New Imperialism and the Iraq War 미리보기
Bieler, Andreas; Morton, Adam David Brill Academic Publisher 2015
1395 저널기사 Ayten Gündoğdu : Rightlessness in an Age of Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Struggles of Migrants. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xii, 298.) 미리보기
Patchen Markell University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2015
1396 저널기사 The ABCs of the US Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials Program: Antibiotics, Biosecurity, and Congress 미리보기
John K. Billington Mary Ann Liebert 2015
1397 저널기사 The ABCs of the US Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials Program: Antibiotics, Biosecurity, and Congress 미리보기
John K. Billington Mary Ann Liebert 2015
1398 저널기사 The Abject Condition of Labor in Pakistan1 미리보기
Kamal A. Munir ; Natalya Naqvi ; Adaner Usmani Study Group on International Labor and Working Class History 2015
1399 저널기사 THE ABLE ACT. 미리보기
RINIER, JAMES W.; CURATOLA, ANTHONY P.  Institute of Management Accountants 2015
1400 저널기사 The Abolitionist—II 미리보기
Gopal Balakrishnan New Left Review Ltd.] 2015
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