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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 Accompagner la mort, organiser la fin de vie - Ethnographie d’un service de soins aigus de gériatrie 미리보기
Marie-Astrid Le Theule ; Caroline Lambert et Jérémy Morales Fondation nationale pour l'enseignement de la gestion des entreprises 2017
102 저널기사 Accomplishing Estate Planning Goals through the Use of Partnership Income Tax Rules. 미리보기
Kriesel William T. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
103 저널기사 Accomplishing information and change in a smart grid pilot: Linking domestic practices with policy interventions 미리보기
Joeri Naus ; Hilje M van der Horst SAGE Publishing 2017
104 저널기사 Accord collectif Géopost 미리보기
Dialne 2017
105 저널기사 Accords collectifs et entreprises à structures complexes 미리보기
Gilles Auzero Dialne 2017
106 저널기사 Accords de branche et accords d’entreprise Attention  : une réforme peut en cacher une autre ! 미리보기
Christophe Radé Dialne 2017
107 저널기사 Accords de préservation de l’emploi, licenciement pour inaptitude et licenciement pour motif économique : étendue du contrôle du juge sur la cause réelle et sérieuse du licenciement 미리보기
Savine Bernard ; Anne Dufour Dialne 2017
108 저널기사 Accountability and Information in Elections 미리보기
Ashworth, Scott; de Mesquita, Ethan Bueno; Friedenberg, Amanda American Economic Association 2017
109 저널기사 Accountability Through Procedure? Rethinking Charter School Accountability and Special Education Rights 미리보기
Naclerio, Michael A. Columbia University School of Law 2017
110 저널기사 Accountable Algorithms 미리보기
Kroll, Joshua A.; Huey, Joanna; Barocas, Solon; Felten, Edward W.; Reidenberg, Joel R.; Robinson, David G.; Yu, Harlan University of Pennsylvania Law School 2017
COYNE, JOSHUA G.; COYNE, EMILY M.; WALKER, KENTON B.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
112 저널기사 Accountants need to plan early to meet new GDPR rules on retaining client data 미리보기
Kilpatrick, Ian Accountancy 2017
113 저널기사 Accounting Conservatism and Firm Growth Financed by External Debt: The Role of Debt Maturity 미리보기
Kang, Tony; Lobo, Gerald J.; Wolfe, Michael C. Greenwood, New York University 2017
114 저널기사 Accounting Discretion and Purchase Price Allocation After Acquisitions 미리보기
Zhang, Ivy Xiying; Zhang, Yong Greenwood, New York University 2017
115 저널기사 Accounting for Cross-Factor Interactions in Multifactor Portfolios without Sacrificing Diversification and Risk Control 미리보기
Amenc, Noël; Ducoulombier, Frédéric; Esakia, Mikheil; Goltz, Felix; Sivasubramanian, Sivagaminathan Institutional Investor, Inc 2017
116 저널기사 Accounting for Cross-Factor Interactions in Multifactor Portfolios without Sacrificing Diversification and Risk Control 미리보기
Amenc, Noël; Ducoulombier, Frédéric; Esakia, Mikheil; Goltz, Felix; Sivasubramanian, Sivagaminathan Institutional Investor, Inc 2017
117 저널기사 Accounting for Leases under the New Standard, Part 2: Lessor Accounting, Changes in Lease Terms, Practical Expedients, and Preparation Tips. 미리보기
Singer Robert ; Pfaff Alyssa ; Winiarski Heather ; Winiarski Mark New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
118 저널기사 Accounting provisions for loan losses lie at the heart of collapses of financial institutions 미리보기
Woolf, Emile Accountancy 2017
119 저널기사 Accounting Quality and Trade Credit 미리보기
Chen, Deqiu; Liu, Ming; Ma, Tao; Martin, Xiumin American Accounting Association 2017
120 저널기사 Accounting's Stars Will Come Out on May 17. 미리보기
Barry Joanne S. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
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