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2018 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1101 저널기사 Applying U.S. Anti-Money-Laundering Laws to Foreign Accounts That Contain Unpaid Taxes 미리보기
Zagaris, Bruce Tax Analysts 2018
1102 저널기사 Appointment scheduling of inpatients and outpatients in a multistage integrated surgical suite: Application to a Tunisian ophthalmology surgery department 미리보기
Chabouh, Safa; Hammami, Sondes; Marcon, Eric; Bouchriha, Hanen Operational Research Society. 2018
1103 저널기사 App Popularity: Where in the World Are Consumers Most Sensitive to Price and User Ratings? 미리보기
Kübler, Raoul; Pauwels, Koen; Yildirim, Gökhan; Fandrich, Thomas American Marketing Association 2018
1104 저널기사 Appréciation du caractère gratuit de l'occupation à titre de résidence principale de l'immeuble de la SCI 미리보기
Lextenso 2018
1105 저널기사 Appreciation to Referees, 2018 미리보기
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2018
1106 저널기사 Approaches of Service Identification: Selective Comparison of Existing Service Identification Methods 미리보기
Tiara Fausel ; Norehan Hussein People and Global Business Association; School of Business, Indiana State University, 2018
1107 저널기사 Approaching indirectly to complementors and taking neutral position in platform: exploratory research on the progression from a start-up to a platform leader 미리보기
Hoshino, Yusuke; Matsumura, Yoshiyuki Inderscience Enterprises 2018
1108 저널기사 Appropriate Dispute Resolution : A Practical Guide to Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration, A.O. Patelia: 미리보기
A. Beyl Juta 2018
1109 저널기사 Approximating Exogenous Variation in R&D: Evidence from the Kentucky and North Carolina SBIR State Match Programs 미리보기
Lanahan, Lauren; Feldman, Maryann P. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2018
1110 저널기사 Approximating the Cost-of-Living Index for a Storable Good 미리보기
Osborne, Matthew American Economic Association 2018
1111 저널기사 Approximating the First-Come, First-Served Stochastic Matching Model with Ohm's Law 미리보기
Fazel-Zarandi, Mohammad M.; Kaplan, Edward H. Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2018
1112 저널기사 Approximation Algorithms for a Class of Stochastic Selection Problems with Reward and Cost Considerations 미리보기
Strinka, Zohar M. A.; Romeijn, H. Edwin Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2018
1113 저널기사 Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Perishable Inventory Systems with Positive Lead Times 미리보기
Chao, Xiuli; Gong, Xiting; Shi, Cong; Yang, Chaolin; Zhang, Huanan; Zhou, Sean X. Institute of Management Sciences] 2018
1114 저널기사 Après la flexibilité, la sécurité ? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2018
1115 저널기사 Après un an de présidence Macron, « le compte n'y est pas » 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2018
1116 저널기사 À propos des modalités de la légalisation des actes établis par une autorité étrangère 미리보기
Pierre Callé Lextenso 2018
1117 저널기사 Après la flexibilité, la sécurité ? 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2018
1118 저널기사 Après un an de présidence Macron, « le compte n'y est pas » 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2018
1119 저널기사 Aquaculture, Poverty and Environment in the Philippines 미리보기
Rosalina Palanca-Tan Council for Social and Economic Studies in cooperation with the Contemporary Economics and Business Association at George Mason University 2018
1120 저널기사 Aquinas and Modern Science. A New Synthesis of Faith & Reason 미리보기
Tabaczek, Mariusz Routledge 2018
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