221 |
Administrative Law — Agency Policy Change — Montana District Court Holds State Department's National Interest Determination for Keystone XL Pipeline Violated APA by Disregarding Prior Factual Findings. — Indigenous Environmental Network v. Department of State, 347 F. Supp. 3d 561 (D. Mont. 2018)
Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
222 |
Administrative Law — Appointments Clause — Solicitor General Issues Guidance on Administrative Judges. — Guidance on Administrative Law Judges After Lucia v. SEC (S. Ct.), July 2018
Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
223 |
Administrative Law — Chenery Avoidance — Fourth Circuit Vacates Environmental Approvals for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. — Sierra Club v. U.S. Department of the Interior, 899 F.3d 260 (4th Cir. 2018)
Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
224 |
Administrative Law — Finality of Agency Actions — D.C. Circuit Holds that Informal Staff Letters Are Not Eligible for Judicial Review Under the Administrative Procedure Act. — Soundboard Ass'n v. FTC, 888 F.3d 1261 (D.C. Cir. 2018)
Harvard Law Review Pub. Association
225 |
Adolescent Perceptions of Black-Oriented Media: “The Day Beyoncé Turned Black”: Can Black-Oriented Films and TV Programs Be Marketed More Broadly?
Morgan E. Ellithorpe ; Michael Hennessy ; Amy Bleakley
World Advertising Research Center Ltd.
226 |
Adolf Moxter, das Bilanzsteuerrecht und der Bundesfinanzhof
Recht und Wirtschaft
227 |
Adopting knowledge from reverse innovations? Transnational patents and signaling from an emerging economy
Kenneth G Huang ; Jiatao Li
Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.]
228 |
Adopting strategic management in higher education in India: need, challenges and ideas
Sawhney, Sahil; Kumar, Kulwant; Gupta, Ankur
Inderscience Enterprises
229 |
Adoption in the Service of Child Protection: An International Interdisciplinary Perspective
Palacios, Jesús; Adroher, Salomé; Brodzinsky, David M.; Grotevant, Harold D.; Johnson, Dana E.; Juffer, Femmie; Martínez-Mora, Laura; Muhamedrahimov, Rifkat J.; Selwyn, Julie; Simmonds, John
American Psychological Association
230 |
Adoption of Industrial IoT (IIoT) in Auto-Component Manufacturing SMEs in India
Sivathanu, Brijesh
231 |
Adoption of lean practices as management innovation. A review and conceptualisation
Belfanti, Nicole
232 |
AdTech – Vorgaben an die Zulässigkeit interessenbezogener Werbung und das Online-Tracking
Paul Voigt ; Stefan Kaus
O. Schmidt
233 |
Adult roles and the gender gap in political knowledge: a comparative study
Ferrín, Monica; Fraile, Marta; García-Albacete, Gema M.
F. Cass
234 |
Adults' perceptions of children's referentially ambiguous responses
Wylie, Breanne E.; Lyon, Thomas D.; O'Connor, Alison M.; Aidy, Christina L.; Evans, Angela D.
Harwood Academic Publishers
235 |
ADULT SUPERVISION: Vice CEO Nancy Dubuc was hired to rid the media company of its bad-boy image
Poggi, Jeanine
Crain Communications
236 |
Advance Market Commitment: Some Issues and a Remedy
Patrick Leoni
editions dalloz
237 |
Advance Payments und Forward Deals im Grunderwerbsteuerrecht
Recht und Wirtschaft
238 |
Advancing development projects through mega-events: the 2010 football World Cup and bus rapid transit in South Africa
Wood, Astrid
V.H. Winston
239 |
Advancing Direct Corporate Accountability in International Human Rights Law: The Role of State-Owned Enterprises
Ma Xili
Higher Education Press: Thomson Reuters
240 |
Advancing Tax Clarity and Certainty in Nigeria
Mgbemena, Kenneth; Idem, Blessing
Tax Analysts