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1001 저널기사 Arconada Valbuena/Rennar: Voller Werbungskostenabzug bei (teil-)entgeltlicher Fahrzeugüberlassung durch den Arbeitgeber 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
1002 저널기사 Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung, Everyday Economic Survival in Myanmar 미리보기
Elias, Juanita Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2020
1003 저널기사 Are All ‘Birthers’ Conspiracy Theorists? On the Relationship Between Conspiratorial Thinking and Political Orientations 미리보기
Adam M. Enders; Steven M. Smallpage; Robert N. Lupton Cambridge University Press 2020
1004 저널기사 Are Anarcho-Capitalists Insane? Medieval Icelandic Conflict Institutions in Comparative Perspective 미리보기
Vincent Geloso ; Peter T. Leeson editions dalloz 2020
1005 저널기사 Are Banks Irrelevant? 미리보기
Naegele, Timothy D. Knickerbocker Print. Co 2020
1006 저널기사 Are Country-by-Country Reports Worthless? 미리보기
Sullivan, Martin A. Tax Analysts 2020
1007 저널기사 Are Creditors with Partially Disputed Claims Eligible to Join an Involuntary Bankruptcy Petition? The Saga Continues.. 미리보기
Nathan, Bruce S ; Papandrea, Michael The Association 2020
1008 저널기사 Are Debt Sustainability Indicators Based on Time-Series Data Useful for Predicting Crises? 미리보기
Katharina Mersmann;Frank Westermann J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 2020
1009 저널기사 Are Disinfectants for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Safe? 미리보기
Fatin Samara, Rina Badran, and Sarah Dalibalta Mary Ann Liebert 2020
1010 저널기사 Are Disinfectants for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Safe? 미리보기
Fatin Samara ; Rina Badran ; Sarah Dalibalta Mary Ann Liebert 2020
1011 저널기사 Are Energy Executives Rewarded for Luck? 미리보기
Davis, Lucas W.; Hausman, Catherine Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2020
1012 저널기사 Are Expected Costs and Returns Identical Twins? Decoupling Slippage from Momentum over Shorter Horizons 미리보기
Milan Borkovec ; Konstantin Tyurin Institutional Investor, Inc 2020
1013 저널기사 Are External Auditors Concerned about Cyber Incidents? Evidence from Audit Fees 미리보기
Li, He; No, Won Gyun; Boritz, J. Efrim Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association 2020
1014 저널기사 Are Foreigners Treated Equally under the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement? 미리보기
de Rassenfosse, Gaétan; Jensen, Paul H.; Julius, T'Mir; Palangkaraya, Alfons; Webster, Elizabeth University of Chicago Press 2020
1015 저널기사 Are Funding of Pensions and Economic Growth Directly Linked? New Empirical Results for Some OECD Countries 미리보기
G. Carmeci ; P. Cavallini ; G. Millo Vydava Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta socialnich ved ve spolupraci s Ceskoi narodni bankou a Ministerstvem financi CR 2020
1016 저널기사 Are Generalists Beneficial to Corporate Shareholders? Evidence from Exogenous Executive Turnovers 미리보기
Betzer A, Lee HS, Limbach P, Salas JM University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2020
Alessandro Caiani ; Alberto Russo ; Mauro Gallegati Cambridge University Press 2020
1018 저널기사 Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find? 미리보기
Bloom, Nicholas; Jones, Charles I.; Van Reenen, John; Webb, Michael American Economic Association 2020
1019 저널기사 Are Long-Duration Treasuries the Best Hedge for Equities? 미리보기
Sunder Ramkumar ; Andrew Bates Institutional Investor, Inc. 2020
1020 저널기사 Are Manufacturers Suffering from Digital Distortion? Deeper analysis of Industry Week Technology Survey results demonstrate growing fatigue rather than looming death 미리보기
P. Fretty Penton/IPC 2020
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