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581 저널기사 An analysis of Market Arrival and Price Behavior of Potato in India 미리보기
P Sreepriya;J.S. Sidhu New Delhi Publishers 2020
582 저널기사 An analysis of price segmentation in the cruise industry 미리보기
Josep Maria Espinet ; Ariadna Gassiot-Melian ; Ricard Rigall-I-Torrent Henry Stewart Pub. 2020
583 저널기사 An analysis of the development assistance for health (DAH) allocations for STD control in Africa 미리보기
Fumitaka Furuoka ; Mohammad Zahirul Hoque ; Ray Ikechukwu Jacob ; Patrick Ziegenhain Cambridge University Press 2020
584 저널기사 An Analytical Perspective on Pandemic Recovery 미리보기
Benjamin D. Trump [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2020
585 저널기사 An Analytical Perspective on Pandemic Recovery 미리보기
Benjamin D. Trump [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2020
586 저널기사 An approach to measuring sustainable tourism at the local level in Europe 미리보기
Alfaro Navarro, José-Luis; Andrés Martínez, María-Encarnación; Mondéjar Jiménez, Juan-Antonio Channel View Books 2020
587 저널기사 An Approximation Algorithm for Network Revenue Management Under Nonstationary Arrivals 미리보기
Ma, Yuhang; Rusmevichientong, Paat; Sumida, Mika; Topaloglu, Huseyin Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2020
588 저널기사 An Arbitral Tribunal’s Dilemma: The Plea of Financially Impecunious Parties (p. 479) 미리보기
Gerome Goh Teng Jun Kluwer Law International 2020
589 저널기사 An article written using the resources we will have in the future 미리보기
Arman Colin 2020
590 저널기사 An article you would have been able to read if it weren’t for the LPPR 미리보기
Arman Colin 2020
591 저널기사 An assessment of port and shipping line relationships: the value of relationship marketing 미리보기
Caliskan, Aylin; Esmer, Soner Taylor & Francis 2020
592 저널기사 An assessment of road traffic accidents in Spain: the role of tourism 미리보기
Castillo-Manzano, José I.; Castro-Nuño, Mercedes; López-Valpuesta, Lourdes; Vassallo, Florencia V. Channel View Books 2020
593 저널기사 Anatomy of a Preference Defense: An Insider's Look Behind the Scenes of a Bankruptcy Preference Defense 미리보기
Torf, Jason M ; Ott, Michael W The Association 2020
594 저널기사 Anatomy of regional price differentials: evidence from micro-price data 미리보기
Weinand, Sebastian; von Auer, Ludwig Routledge. 2020
595 저널기사 An Attitudinal Impacts Analysis of Social Media Platforms and Brand Relationship Quality at Music Festivals 미리보기
Cognizant Communication Corp. 2020
596 저널기사 ANAインターコンチネンタル別府リゾート&スパ : IHGによる温泉を軸にしたラグジュアリーリゾートの国内1号店 미리보기
柴田書店[販賣元] : (株)フ-ド.ビジネス 2020
597 저널기사 Anchoring on Historical High Prices and Seasoned Equity Offerings 미리보기
Hovakimian A, Hu H University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2020
598 저널기사 Anchors Aweigh? Then Time to Head Upstream: Why We Need to Theorize ``Mission'' Before ``Drift'' 미리보기
Varendh-Mansson, Cecelia; Wry, Tyler; Szafarz, Ariane Academy of Management 2020
599 저널기사 An den Grenzen des Rechts: Die Paradoxie des Rechtsmissbrauchs 미리보기
Gunther Teubner J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 2020
600 저널기사 An der Architektur des Zivilprozesses muss weiter gebaut werden! 미리보기
Rüdiger Pamp Werner 2020
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