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681 저널기사 Asset Classes 미리보기
Jacquet, Nicolas L. University of Chicago Press 2021
682 저널기사 Asset Management and Financial Conglomerates: Attention Through Stellar Funds 미리보기
Zambranaa, Rafael Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
683 저널기사 Asset Volatility and Capital Structure: Evidence from Corporate Mergers 미리보기
Levine, Oliver; Wu, Youchang Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
684 저널기사 Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Incidence, Complications, and Mortality in 46 Countries: An Ecological Study 미리보기
Javier Mariani [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2021
685 저널기사 Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and COVID-19 Incidence, Complications, and Mortality in 46 Countries: An Ecological Study 미리보기
Javier Mariani [et al.] Mary Ann Liebert 2021
686 저널기사 Assortative Matching and Reputation in the Market for First Issues 미리보기
Akkus, Oktay; Cookson, J. Anthony; Hortaçsuc, Ali Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
687 저널기사 Assortment Rotation and the Value of Concealment 미리보기
Ferreira, Kris Johnson; Goh, Joel Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
688 저널기사 Asymmetric and nonlinear dynamics in trade flows sustainability: Serbia and Romania 미리보기
Mile Bošnjak Akademiai Kiado Rt. 2021
689 저널기사 Asymmetric Attention and Stock Returns 미리보기
Cziraki, Peter; Mondria, Jordi; Wu, Thomas Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
690 저널기사 Asymmetric Consumption Smoothing 미리보기
Baugh, Brian; Ben-David, Itzhak; Park, Hoonsuk; Parker, Jonathan A. American Economic Association 2021
691 저널기사 Asymmetric Information on the Market for Energy Efficiency: Insights from the Credence Goods Literature. 미리보기
Lanz, Bruno; Reins, Evert Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2021
692 저널기사 Asymmetric interdependence and the politics of energy in Europe: Hirschman’s ‘influence effect’ redux 미리보기
Audrey DaDalt ; Seo-Hyun Park PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD 2021
693 저널기사 Asymmetric Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problems: Valid Inequalities and a Branch-and-Cut Algorithm 미리보기
het Broek, Michiel A. J. uit; Schrotenboer, Albert H.; Jargalsaikhan, Bolor; Roodbergen, Kees Jan; Coelho, Leandro C. Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2021
694 저널기사 Asymmetric regional dynamics in the Portuguese economy: debt, openness and local revenues 미리보기
Alexandre, Fernando; Costa, Hélder; Portela, Miguel; Rodrigues, Miguel Carfax Pub. Co. [etc.] 2021
695 저널기사 ATAF Urges Rework of OECD Global Tax Reform Plan 미리보기
Tax Analysts 2021
696 저널기사 At Home and Abroad: The European Union in a Changing Global Order 미리보기
Jan Wouters The Society 2021
697 저널기사 Atomausstieg und verfassungskonforme Ausgestaltung: „Klappe, die Zweite“ und dann „Zurück auf Los“ 미리보기
Marc Ruttloff Frankfurt a.M: C.H. Beck 2021
698 저널기사 Atomgesetz / Pariser Atomhaftungs-Übereinkommen 미리보기
Marc Ruttloff Frankfurt a.M: C.H. Beck 2021
699 저널기사 Attention, Please: How the Attention-Related Stories We Tell Our Students in Class Influence Their Performance at Work 미리보기
Erik Dane Academy of Management 2021
700 저널기사 At the crossroads of a frozen conflict: Political oversight of the Council’s administrative budget by the European Parliament 미리보기
María-Luisa Sánchez-Barrueco Kluwer Law International 2021
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