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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
821 저널기사 The ability of short-term responses to predict the long-term consequences of conservation management actions: The case of the endangered Paeonia mascula (L.) Mill. 미리보기
Neta Manela ; Ofer Ovadia ; Hagai Shemesh Urban & Fischer 2021
822 저널기사 The Aboliton of Immigration Restrictions and the Performance of Firms and Workers: Evidence from Switzerland 미리보기
Beerli, Andreas; Ruffner, Jan; Siegenthaler, Michael; Peri, Giovanni American Economic Association 2021
823 저널기사 The Abuse of Process Doctrine Extended: A Tool for Right Thinking People in International Arbitration 미리보기
John David Branson Kluwer Law International 2021
824 저널기사 The ACICA Arbitration Rules 2021: Advancing Australia’s Pro-Arbitration Culture 미리보기
Luke Nottage ; Julia Dreosti ; Robert Tang Kluwer Law International 2021
825 저널기사 The adoption of pricing from an organizational perspective and its impact on relative firm performance 미리보기
Stephan M. Liozu Henry Stewart Pub. 2021
826 저널기사 The Advance on Costs in Arbitration: Reimbursement of Substituted Payment 미리보기
Ahmed Durrani ; Umang Singh ; Thomas Williams Kluwer Law International 2021
827 저널기사 The Advisor: Aligning Organization's Activities with its Values 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
828 저널기사 The Advisor: Cultivating Skills in Rising Leaders 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
829 저널기사 The Advisor: Decision-Making 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
830 저널기사 The Advisor: Diversity in Recruitment 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
831 저널기사 The Advisor: Encourage Critical Thinking within Organizations 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
832 저널기사 The Advisor: Facilitating Growth and Development Opportunities 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
833 저널기사 The Advisor: Gaining Buy-In 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
834 저널기사 The Advisor: Leaders Continue to Learn and Grow 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
835 저널기사 The Advisor: Leader’s Most Critical Role during a Crisis 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
836 저널기사 The Advisor: Providing Feedback to Peers 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
837 저널기사 The Advisor: Traits That Can Derail Careers 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
838 저널기사 The Advisor: Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence 미리보기
International Association of Chiefs of Police 2021
839 저널기사 The African Continental Free Trade Area AfCFTA – Utopia or Real Opportunity? 미리보기
Böschemeier Jonas ; Teti Feodora A. Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 2021
840 저널기사 The African Perspective: The Development of Investment Laws, the Pan-African Investment Code (PAIC), and the African Continental Free Trade Area in the “New Economic World Order” 미리보기
Rose Rameau The Society 2021
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 
