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101 저널기사 Advanced Energy Materials. 미리보기
Dahl, Carol A Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, Publishers 2021
102 저널기사 Advances in revenue management: the last frontier 미리보기
B. Vinod Henry Stewart Pub. 2021
103 저널기사 Advancing behavioural public policies: in pursuit of a more comprehensive concept 미리보기
Benjamin Ewert ; Kathrin Loer Macmillan Journals 2021
KOGAN, GREGORY; MYERS, NATHAN; GAYDON, DANIEL J.; BOYLE, DOUGLAS M.  Institute of Management Accountants 2021
105 저널기사 Advancing international human resource management scholarship on paternalistic leadership and gender: the contribution of postcolonial feminism 미리보기
Sposato, Martin; Rumens, Nick Routledge 2021
106 저널기사 Adversarial Risk Analysis for Auctions Using Mirror Equilibrium and Bayes Nash Equilibrium 미리보기
Muhammad Ejaz ; Stephen Joe ; Chaitanya Joshi Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2021
107 저널기사 Advertising Spending and Media Bias: Evidence from News Coverage of Car Safety Recalls 미리보기
Beattie, Graham; Durante, Ruben; Knight, Brian; Sen, Ananya Institute of Management Sciences] 2021
108 저널기사 Advocacy coalitions and flood insurance: Power and policies in the Australian Natural Disaster Insurance Review 미리보기
Michaela Dolk, Edmund C Penning-Rowsell SAGE Publishing 2021
109 저널기사 Affaire du Mediator - Acte 1 : quand le délit consumériste de tromperie est appelé au renfort des atteintes à l'intégrité physique 미리보기
Romain Ollard L.G.D.J. 2021
110 저널기사 „Affäre auf Ibiza“ 미리보기
Tina Bühner C. H. Beck 2021
111 저널기사 Affective bureaucratic relations: File practices in a European deportation unit and criminal court 미리보기
Lieke Wissink, Irene van Oorschot SAGE Publishing 2021
112 저널기사 Affective Encounters: Everyday Life among Chinese Migrants in Zambia DI WU London and New York: Routledge, 2021 ix + 236 pp. £85.00 ISBN 978-1-350-10243-9 미리보기
Cheryl M. Schmitz Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, etc.] 2021
113 저널기사 Affirmative action measures and electoral candidates’ positioning in Zambia 미리보기
Vibeke Wang ; Ragnhild L. Muriaas ; Yvette Peters Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2021
114 저널기사 Afghanistan and empire 미리보기
Joseph Choonara Socialist Workers Party 2021
115 저널기사 Afraid of engagement? Towards an understanding of engagement in virtual communities of practice 미리보기
Haas, Aurore; Abonneau, David; Borzillo, Stefano; Guillaume, Louis-Pierre Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the Operational Research Society 2021
116 저널기사 Africa’s heterogeneous middle class: A 10-city study of consumer lifestyle indicators 미리보기
James Lappeman ; Lara du Plessis ; Emma Ho ; Ellen Louw ; Paul Egan NTC Publications Ltd 2021
117 저널기사 Afrikas «nye byer» 미리보기
Erik Berg Universitetsforlaget 2021
118 저널기사 After accommodation? Inclusion and exclusion of emancipation interests in Dutch ‘democratic corporatism’ 미리보기
Robert J. Davidson Boom 2021
119 저널기사 After Coca-Cola, Practitioners See DEMPE as Part of U.S. Law 미리보기
Tax Analysts 2021
120 저널기사 After Corbynism 미리보기
Nick Clark Socialist Workers Party 2021
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