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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Against Capitalism. By David Schweickart 미리보기
Turgeon, L. 00 1996
62 저널기사 Age and Work Outcomes: The Moderating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Tool Design Effectiveness 미리보기
Schwoerer, C. E. 00 1996
63 저널기사 Agency Conflict and Corporate Strategy: The Effect of Divestment on Corporate Value 미리보기
Wright, P. 00 1997
64 저널기사 Age, order of entry, strategic orientation, and organizational performance 미리보기
Durand, R. 00 2001
65 저널기사 Age-test Markov chains for drug testing and detection 미리보기
Boyle, J. P. 00 1996
66 저널기사 Agglomeration in the Global Economy: A Survey of the `New Economic Geography' 미리보기
Ottaviano, G. I. P. 00 1998
67 저널기사 Aggregate versus Product-Specific Pricing: Implications for Franchise and Traditional Channels 미리보기
Desai, P. S. 00 1996
68 저널기사 Aggressive Legalism: The Rules of the WTO and Japan's Emerging Trade Strategy 미리보기
Pekkanen, S. M. 00 2001
69 저널기사 Aging and Public Pensions in an Overlapping-Generations Model 미리보기
Meijdam, L. 00 1997
70 저널기사 Agra: An Old Cluster Facing the New Competition 미리보기
Knorringa, P. 00 1999
71 저널기사 Agricultural extension policy in Australia: public funding and market failure 미리보기
Mullen, J. D. 00 2000
72 저널기사 Agricultural extension policy in Australia: the good, the bad and the misguided 미리보기
Marsh, S. P. 00 2000
73 저널기사 Agricultural Policies and Migration in a U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Area: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis 미리보기
Robinson, S. 00 1993
74 저널기사 Agricultural Technology, Risk, and Gender: A CGE Analysis of Mozambique 미리보기
Arndt, C. 00 2000
75 저널기사 Agriculture's `multifunctionality' and the WTO 미리보기
Anderson, K. 00 2000
76 저널기사 Agri-environmental Relationships and the Choice of Policy Mechanism 미리보기
HODGE, I. 00 2000
77 저널기사 Agri-Food Restructuring and Third World Transnationals: Thailand, the CP Group and the Global Shrimp Industry 미리보기
Goss, J. 00 2000
78 저널기사 Ahead of the Game or Behind the Times? The Scottish Children's Hearings System in International Context 미리보기
Hallett, C. 00 2000
79 저널기사 A.I 미리보기
00 00 2001
80 저널기사 Aid and Trade Relationships in East Asia 미리보기
McGillivray, M. 00 1998
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