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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Activity-Based Costing in Ireland: Barriers to, and Opportunities for, Change 미리보기
Clarke, P. J Academic Press 1999
142 저널기사 Activity of B~2O~3 in {(1-x)MgO+xB~2O~3} determined by (slag+metal) equilibrium at the temperature 1723 K, using copper as metal solvent 미리보기
Huang, Z.-Q Academic Press 1980
143 저널기사 Activity of Four Allelic Forms of Glutathione S-Transferase hGSTPI-1 forDiol Epoxides of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 미리보기
Hu, X Academic Press 1980
144 저널기사 Activity of MgO in {(1-x)MgO+x(1-y)B~2O~3 + xySiO~2}, determined by (slag + metal) equilibrium at the temperature 1723 K, using germanium as metal solvent 미리보기
Su, Y Academic Press 1980
145 저널기사 Activity of SiO~2 in {(1-x)B~2O~3 + xSiO~2} determined by (slag + metal)equilibrium at the temperature 1723 K, using (0.25 Cu + 0.75 Sn) as metal solvent 미리보기
Wang, Z.-C Academic Press 1980
146 저널기사 Activity of the Bifunctional Protein 4a-Hydroxy-Tetrahydropterin Dehydratase/DCoH During Human Fetal Development: Correlation with Dihydropteridine Reductase Activity and Tetrahydrobiopterin Levels 미리보기
Rebrin, I Academic Press 1980
147 저널기사 Activity of UDP-GlcNAc:GlcNAc�->6(GlcNAc�->2) Man�->R[GlcNAc to Man]�->4N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase VI (GnT VI) from the Ovaries of Oryzias latipes (Medaka Fish) 미리보기
Taguchi, T Academic Press 1980
148 저널기사 Activity Staining of Protein Inhibitors of Proteases on Gelatin-Containing Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 미리보기
Felicioli, R Academic Press 1980
149 저널기사 Activity Studies and Crystal Structures of Catalytically Deficient Mutants of Cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei 미리보기
Staahlberg, J Academic Press 1980
150 저널기사 Actual and Preferred Work Schedules and Scheduling Control as Determinants of Job-Related Attitudes 미리보기
Krausz, M. ACADEMIC PRESS 2000
151 저널기사 Actuator and sensor placement for structural testing and control 미리보기
Gawronski, W Academic Press 1980
152 저널기사 Acute Exposure to 25-Hydroxy-cholesterol Selectively Reduces GABAb and Not GABAa Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Inhibition 미리보기
Phelan, K. D Academic Press 1980
153 저널기사 ACV Synthetase: Expression of Amino Acid Activating Domains of the Penicillium chrysogenum Enzyme in Aspergillus nidulans 미리보기
Etchegaray, A Academic Press 1980
154 저널기사 Acyclicity and decisiveness structures 미리보기
Truchon, Michael Academic Press 1996
155 저널기사 Acyclicity and dynamic stability: Generalizations and applications 미리보기
Boldrin, Michele Academic Press 1995
156 저널기사 Acylation of Peptide Hydroxyl Groups with the Bolton-Hunter Reagent 미리보기
Miller, B. T Academic Press 1980
157 저널기사 Acylcarnitine Metabolism during Fasting and after Refeeding 미리보기
Yamaguti, K Academic Press 1980
158 저널기사 Acyl Chain Dependence of Diacylglycerol Activation of Protein Kinase C Activity in Vitro 미리보기
Marignani, P. A Academic Press 1980
159 저널기사 Acyl CoA and Lipid Synthesis from Ketone Bodies by the Extramitochondrial Fraction of Hepatoma Tissue 미리보기
Hildebrandt, L Academic Press 1980
160 저널기사 Adapting Vocational Psychology to Cope with Change 미리보기
Hesketh, B. ACADEMIC PRESS 2001
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