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281 저널기사 The Antecedents of the Consumer Complaining Behavior (CCB) 미리보기
von der Heyde Fernandes, D.; dos Santos, C.P. Association for Consumer Research 2008
282 저널기사 The Anthropology of File Sharing: Consuming Napster as a Gift 미리보기
Giesler, M.; Pohlmann, M. Association for Consumer Research 2003
283 저널기사 The Anticipation of Chosen Pleasures: Temporal Variations in the Valuation of Delayed Consumption 미리보기
Chan, E.; Mukhopadhyay, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
284 저널기사 The Anticipation of Chosen Pleasures: Temporal Variations in the Valuation of Delayed Consumption 미리보기
Chan, E.; Mukhopadhyay, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
285 저널기사 The Appeal of Hidden Products 미리보기
Brough, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
286 저널기사 The Appeal of Hidden Products 미리보기
Brough, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
287 저널기사 The Appeal of Others: How to Avoid the Self-Positivity Bias 미리보기
Aditya, S.; Main, K. Association for Consumer Research 2007
288 저널기사 The Appeal of Our New Stuff: How Newness Creates Value 미리보기
Dinnin, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
289 저널기사 The Appeal of Our New Stuff: How Newness Creates Value 미리보기
Dinnin, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
290 저널기사 The Application of Goal Systems Theory to Consumer Behavior 미리보기
Mitchell, A.; Zhang, M. Association for Consumer Research 2005
291 저널기사 The Application of Procedural Justice Principles to Service Recovery Attempts: Outcomes for Customer Satisfaction 미리보기
Sparks, B. A.;McColl-Kennedy, J. R. Association for Consumer Research 1997
292 저널기사 The Attractiveness of New Zealand as a University Study Destination: A COO Study of Chinese Students 미리보기
Morrish, S.C.; Guo, J. Association for Consumer Research 2012
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