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341 저널기사 American Homesteaders and the Canadian Prairies, 1899 and 1909 미리보기
PERCY, MICHAEL B. Academic Press 1987
342 저널기사 American Stock Market Development and Performance, 1871-1929 미리보기
SNOWDEN, KENNETH A. Academic Press 1987
343 저널기사 Amide Hydrogen Exchange and Internal Dynamics the Chemotactic Protein CheY from Escherichia coli 미리보기
Lacroix, E Academic Press 1980
344 저널기사 Amiloride-Sensitive Na^+ Channels in Human Nasal Epithelium Are Different from Classical Epithelial Na^+ Channels 미리보기
Rueckes, C Academic Press 1980
345 저널기사 Amination of Polystyrene Microwells: Application to the Covalent Grafting of DNA Probes for Hybridization Assays 미리보기
Zammatteo, N Academic Press 1980
346 저널기사 Amino Acid Analysis by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: Improved Derivatization and Detection Conditions with 9-Fluorenylmethyl Chloroformate 미리보기
Bank, R. A Academic Press 1980
347 저널기사 Amino Acid Pair Interchanges at Spatially Conserved Locations 미리보기
Naor, D Academic Press 1980
348 저널기사 Amino Acid Residues in both the DNA-Binding and Ligand-Binding Domains Influence Transcriptional Activity of the Human Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha 미리보기
Myers, K. A Academic Press 1980
349 저널기사 Amino acids and hexosamines in the Hess Rise core during the past 220,000 years/ 미리보기
Gupta, L. P Academic Press 2003
350 저널기사 Amino Acids and Peptides. XXXII: A Bifunctional Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Hybrid of Fibronectin-Related Peptides 미리보기
Maeda, M Academic Press 1980
351 저널기사 Amino Acid Sequence Analysis of Human S100A7 (Psoriasin) by Tandem Mass Spectrometry 미리보기
Buergisser, D. M Academic Press 1980
352 저널기사 Amino Acid Sequence Determinants of �Lactamase Structure and Activity 미리보기
Huang, W Academic Press 1980
353 저널기사 Amino Acid Sequence Determination of Human S100A12 (P6, Calgranulin C, CGRP, CAAF1) by Tandem Mass Spectrometry 미리보기
Ilg, E. C Academic Press 1980
354 저널기사 Amino Acids in Highly Conserved Regions Near the C-Terminus of Rat Prolactin (PRL) Play Critical Roles Similar to Those in Binding of Human GH tothe PRL Receptor 미리보기
Kato, Y Academic Press 1980
355 저널기사 Amino Acid Variants in the Human Leptin Receptor: Lack of Association toJuvenile Onset Obesity 미리보기
Echwald, S. M Academic Press 1980
356 저널기사 Ammonium-induced internalisation of UapC, the general purine permease from Aspergillus nidulans/ 미리보기
Valdez-Taubas, J Academic Press 2004
357 저널기사 Amplification and Sequencing of End Fragments from Bacterial Atificial Chromosome Clones by Single-Primer Polymerase Chain Reaction 미리보기
Kim, J Academic Press 1980
358 저널기사 Amplified Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism-Based mRNA Fingerprinting Using a Single Restriction Enzyme That Recognizes a 4-bp Sequence 미리보기
Habu, Y Academic Press 1980
359 저널기사 Amyloid �Protein and Its 3-kDa Fragment Are Present in the Axoplasm Fraction of the White Matter in Human Brain 미리보기
Tokuda, T Academic Press 1980
360 저널기사 An Abnormal Ketamine Response in Mutants Defective in the Ryanodine Receptor Gene ryr-1 (unc-68) of Caenorhabditis elegans 미리보기
Sakube, Y Academic Press 1980
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