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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
101 저널기사 An Evaluation of Management Curricula in the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business 미리보기
Mahmoud, Shah.;Frampton, Creighton. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1975
102 저널기사 An Evaluation of Two Alternatives to the Vroom/Yetton Normative Model 미리보기
Jago, Arthur G.;Vroom, Victor H. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1980
103 저널기사 An Evolutionary Approach to Entrepreneurship: Selected Essays, by Howard E. Aldrich 미리보기
Craig, J.B. Academy of Management 2013
104 저널기사 An Examination of Confliction Findings on the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism 미리보기
Dow Scott, K.;Reilly, Nora P. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1985
105 저널기사 An Examination of Level and Direction of Effort and Job Performance 미리보기
Katerberg, Ralph;Blau, Gary J. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1983
106 저널기사 An Examination of the Central Life Interest Scale 미리보기
Maurer, John G.;Vredenburhg, Donald J.;Smith, Richard L. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
107 저널기사 An Examination of the Firm-level Performance Impact of Cluster Hiring in Knowledge-intensive Firms 미리보기
Eckardt, Rory; Skaggs, Bruce C.; Lepak, David P. Academy of Management 2018
108 저널기사 An Examination of the Organizational Antcecdents of Stressors at Work 미리보기
Parasuraman, Saroj;Alutto, Joseph A. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
109 저널기사 An Expanded Model of Status Dynamics: The Effects of Status Transfer and Interfirm Coordination 미리보기
Cowen, A.P. Academy of Management 2012
110 저널기사 An Experimental Investigation of an Interactive Model of Academic Cheating Among Business School Students 미리보기
Bing, M.N.; Davison, H.K.; Vitell, S.J.; Ammeter, A.P.; Garner, B.L.; Novicevic, M.M. Academy of Management 2012
111 저널기사 An Exploration of the Path-goal Theory of Leadership in a Health Care Environment 미리보기
Szilagyi,Andrew D.;Sims Jr., Henry P. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1974
112 저널기사 An Exploratory Investigation of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction in a Hospital 미리보기
Lyon Herbert L.;Ivancevich, John> ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1974
113 저널기사 An Exploratory Study of the Utilization of Assessment Center Results 미리보기
Alexander, Larry D. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1979
114 저널기사 An Identity-Based Approach to Social Enterprise 미리보기
Wry, Tyler; York, Jeffrey G. Academy of Management 2017
115 저널기사 An Inconvenient Truth: How Organizations Translate Climate Change into Business as Usual 미리보기
Wright, Christopher; Nyberg, Daniel Academy of Management 2017
116 저널기사 An Inductive Study of Feedback Interactions Over the Course of Creative Projects 미리보기
Harrison, Spencer H.; Rouse, Elizabeth D. Academy of Management 2015
117 저널기사 An Institutional Economic Reconstruction of Scientific Management: On the Lost Theoretical Logic of Taylorism 미리보기
Wagner-Tsukamoto, S. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2007
118 저널기사 An Instrument for Classifying Organizations 미리보기
Oliver Jr., John E. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1982
119 저널기사 An Integrative Model of Experiencing and Responding to Mistreatment at Work 미리보기
Olson-Buchanan, J.B.; Boswell, W.R. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2008
120 저널기사 An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust 미리보기
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