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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Assessing the Sustained Effects of a Stress Management Intervention on Anxiety and Locus of Control 미리보기
Rose, Robin L.;Veiga, John F. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1984
162 저널기사 Assessment For Management Potential 미리보기
Norton, Steven D.;Gustafson, David P.;Foster, Charles E. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1977
163 저널기사 Asset Specificity and Corporate Political Activity in Regulated Industries 미리보기
Sawant, R.J. Academy of Management 2012
164 저널기사 Associations, Jurisdictional Battles, and the Development of Dual-Purpose Capabilities 미리보기
Kahl, S.J. Academy of Management 2014
165 저널기사 As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution, by Chris Freeman and Francisco Louca 미리보기
Hatch, N. W.; Mackey, T. B. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 2002
166 저널기사 Asymmetric Learning Capabilities and Stock Market Returns 미리보기
Yang, Haibin; Zheng, Yanfeng; Zaheer, Akbar Academy of Management 2015
167 저널기사 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Entrepreneurship 미리보기
Antshel, Kevin M. Academy of Management 2018
168 저널기사 At the End of an Era: A Model and Three Tales of Memory, Perception, and Reality 미리보기
Tasselli, Stefano Academy of Management 2019
169 저널기사 Attitude Change Toward a Theory of Managerial Motivation 미리보기
Bowin, Robert Bruce. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1973
170 저널기사 Attitudes and Behaviors of Black and White Supervisors in Problem Solving Sroups 미리보기
Hill, Walter A.;Ruhe, Joh A. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1974
171 저널기사 Attitudes Toward Women Executives 미리보기
172 저널기사 Attitudinal Congruence and Similarity as Related to Interpersonal Evaluations in Manager-Subordinate Dyads 미리보기
Wexley, Kenneth N.;Alexander, Ralph A.;Greenawait, James P. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1980
173 저널기사 Attitudinal Differences Among Work Shifts 미리보기
Peterson, Mark F. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1985
174 저널기사 Attributional Influences on the Job Performance-Job Satisfaction Relationship 미리보기
Norris, Dwight R.;Niebuhr, Robert E. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1984
175 저널기사 Attribution Theory and Strategic Decision Making 미리보기
Pearce II, John A.;DeNisi, Angelo S. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1983
176 저널기사 Attribution Theory in the Organizational Sciences: The Road Traveled and the Path Ahead 미리보기
Harvey, P.; Madison, K.; Martinko, M.; Crook, T.R.; Crook, T.A. Academy of Management 2014
177 저널기사 Audience Heterogeneity and the Effectiveness of Market Signals: How to Overcome Liabilities of Foreignness in Film Exports? 미리보기
Kim, H.; Jensen, M. Academy of Management 2014
178 저널기사 Auditing an MRP System 미리보기
Cox, James F.;Zmud, Robert W.;Clark, Steven J. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1981
179 저널기사 Author Index for Volume 26 /// 미리보기
Academy of Management 2001
180 저널기사 Authority at Work: Internal Models and Their Organizational Consequences 미리보기
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