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101 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Forage - The Influence of harvest management and fertilizers on herbage yields of cool-season grasses grown In the Aspen Parkland of northeastern Saskatchewan/ 미리보기
Bittman, S Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
102 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Forage - Tillage and weed management effects on forage production in a barley-red clover rotation/ 미리보기
L�g�re, A Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
103 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Forage - Transient expression of a reporter gene changes significantly during somatic embryogenesis In alfalfa/ 미리보기
Tian, L Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
104 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Alternative seeding dates (fall and April) affect Brassica napus canola yield and quality/ 미리보기
Kirkland, K J Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
105 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - A re-evaluation of controlled freeze-tests and controlled environment hardening conditions to estimate the winter survival potential of hardy winter wheats/ 미리보기
Gusta, L V Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
106 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - A two-year field study of a commercial blostimulant applied on maize as seed coating/ 미리보기
Tweddell, R J Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
107 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Availability of late-season heat and water resources for relay and double cropping with winter wheat in prairie Canada/ 미리보기
Thiessen Martens, J R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
108 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Comparison of the performance of bromoxynil-resistant and susceptible near-isogenic populations of oilseed rape/ 미리보기
Cuthbert, J L Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
109 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Differential performance of pinto bean under varying levels of soil moisture/ 미리보기
Nleya, T M Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
110 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Diplotaxis muralis (mur) cytoplasmic male sterility system maintainer occurrence and frequency in summer rape/ 미리보기
Riungu, T C Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
111 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Early tail determinate soybean genotype E1E1e3e3e4e4dt1dt1 sets high bottom pods/ 미리보기
Cober, E R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
112 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Effectiveness of border areas in confining the spread of transgenic Brassica napus pollen/ 미리보기
Staniland, B K Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
113 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Effect of Penicillium bilaii inoculation and phosphorus fertilisation on root and shoot parameters of field grown pea/ 미리보기
Vessey, J K Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
114 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Effects of cultivar and environment on farinograph and Canadian short process mixing properties of Canada Western Red Spring wheat/ 미리보기
Preston, K R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
115 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Evaluation of coated seeds as a Rhizobium delivery system for field pea/ 미리보기
Rice, W A Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
116 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Feasibility of applying all nitrogen and phosphorus requirements at planting of no-till winter wheat/ 미리보기
Lafond, G P Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
117 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Food and feed potential breeding value of green, dry and vegetable pea germplasm/ 미리보기
Santalla, M Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
118 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Gene controlling reduced trichomes on oat groats/ 미리보기
Burrows, V D Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
119 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Genotype-environment interaction of no-till winter wheat in Western Canada/ 미리보기
Domitruk, D R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
120 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Grain protein as a post-harvest index of N sufficiency for hard red spring wheat in the semiarid prairies/ 미리보기
Selles, F Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
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