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121 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Grain yield and water use: Relative performance of winter vs. spring cereals in east-central Saskatchewan/ 미리보기
Gan, Y T Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
122 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Groat yield of naked and covered oat/ 미리보기
Burrows, V D Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
123 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Influence of photoperiod response on the expression of cold hardiness In wheat and barley/ 미리보기
Mahfoozi, S Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
124 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Influence of source, timing and placement of nitrogen on grain yield and nitrogen removal of durum wheat under reduced- and conventional-tillage management/ 미리보기
Grant, C A Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
125 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Introgession of long pod genotype from spring rape (Brassica napus L.) into summer turnip rape (Brassica rapa L.)/ 미리보기
Lewis, L J Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
126 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Isolation of protoplasts from viable sperm cells of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.)/ 미리보기
Woo, S H Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
127 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Maize kernel moisture, carbon and nitrogen concentrations from silking to physiological maturity/ 미리보기
Ma, B L Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
128 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Mineral concentrations in soybean seed produced under high day and night temperature/ 미리보기
Gibson, L R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
129 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Morphological and cytological characters associated with low-temperature tolerance In wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.)/ 미리보기
Limin, A E Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
130 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Pea and soybean performance in Newfoundland/ 미리보기
Spaner, D Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
131 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Penicillium bilail Inoculation Increases root-hair production In field pea/ 미리보기
Gulden, R H Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
132 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Phenological development in two-row, spring barley when grown in a long-day (Alberta, Canada) and a short-day (Western Australia, Australia) environment/ 미리보기
Paynter, B H Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
133 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Plot-to-plot, row-to-row and plant-to-plant outcrossing studies in oilseed rape/ 미리보기
Cuthbert, J L Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
134 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Relationship of physiological characters to yield parameters in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)/ 미리보기
Chongo, G Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
135 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Relationships among bread-making quality, gluten strength, physical dough properties, and pasta cooking quality for some Canadian durum wheat genotypes/ 미리보기
Marchylo, B A Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
136 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Response of four common bean cultivars to granular inoculant in a short-season dryland production system/ 미리보기
Nleya, T Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
137 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Response of pea to rate and placement of triple superphosphate fertilizer in Alberta/ 미리보기
McKenzie, R H Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
138 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Response of pea to rhizobia inoculation and starter nitrogen in Alberta/ 미리보기
McKenzie, R H Agricultural Institute of Canada 2001
139 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Response of three Brassica species to high temperature stress during reproductive growth/ 미리보기
Angadi, S V Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
140 저널기사 AGRONOMY SECTION - Grain - Soil water use, biomass accumulation and grain yield of no-till winter wheat on the Canadian prairies/ 미리보기
Domitruk, D R Agricultural Institute of Canada 2000
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