361 |
Antitumor Principle Constituents of Myrica rubra Var. acuminata/
Yang, L.-L
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
362 |
Apple and Pear Peel and Pulp and Their Influence on Plasma Lipids and Antioxidant Potentials in Rats Fed Cholesterol-Containing Diets/
Leontowicz, M
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
363 |
Apple Peels as a Value-Added Food Ingredient/
Wolfe, K. L
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
364 |
Application of ^2H SNIF-NMR and ^1^3C SIRA-MS Analyses to Maple syrup: Detection of Added Sugars
Martin, G. G
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
365 |
Application of a New Method for Determining Digestible Reactive Lysine to Variably Heated Protein Sources
Rutherfurd, S. M
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
366 |
Application of a Validated Method for the Determination of Provitamin A Carotenoids in Indonesian Foods of Different Maturity and Origin
Hulshof, P. J. M
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
367 |
Application of Diode Array Detection with a C-30 Reversed Phase Column for the Separation and Identification of Saponified Orange Juice Carotenoids
Rouseff, R
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
368 |
Application of Empore Disk Extraction for Trace Analysis of Spinosad andMetabolites in Leafy Vegetables, Peppers, and Tomatoes by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection
Yeh, L.-T
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
369 |
Application of Hexanal, (E)-2-Hexenal, and Hexyl Acetate To Improve the Safety of Fresh-Sliced Apples/
Lanciotti, R
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
370 |
Application of Improved Methods To Assess Pathways for Biosynthesis of Long- and Very-Long-Chain Fatty Acids
Kroumova, A. B
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
371 |
Application of Lipozyme 10,000 L (from Rhizomucor miehei) in Dry Fermented Sausage Technology: Study in a Pilot Plant and at the Industrial Level
Zalacain, I
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
372 |
Application of Multivariate Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks for the Differentiation of Red Wines from the Canary Islands According to the Island of Origin/
Diaz, C
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
373 |
Application of the Microwave Hydrolysis to Furosine Determination in Cereal and Dairy Foods
Acquistucci, R
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
374 |
Application of Tristimulus Colorimetry To Estimate the Carotenoids Content in Ultrafrozen Orange Juices/
Melendez-Martinez, A. J
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
375 |
Approaches to Spirit Aroma: Contribution of Some Aromatic Compounds to the Primary Aroma in Samples of Orujo Spirits/
Dieguez, S. C
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
376 |
Aqueous Extract of Monascus purpureus M9011 Prevents and Reverses Fructose-Induced Hypertension in Rats/
Hsieh, P.-S
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
377 |
Aqueous Extracts from Some Muscles Inhibit Hemoglobin-Mediated Oxidation of Cod Muscle Membrane Lipids/
Undeland, I
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
378 |
Aroma Components of Cooked Tail Meat of American Lobster (Homarusamericanus)/
Lee, G-H
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
379 |
Aroma Composition of Vitis vinifera Cv. Tannat: the Typical Red Wine from Uruguay/
Boido, E
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]
380 |
Aroma Compounds Formed from 3-Methyl-2,4-nonanedione under Photooxidative Conditions/
Sigrist, I. A
American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division]