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181 저널기사 Air-Water Gas Exchange of Organochlorine Compounds in Lake Baikal, Russia 미리보기
McConnell, L. L American Chemical Society 1980
182 저널기사 Alkali Ash Material: A Novel Fly Ash-Based Cement/ 미리보기
Rostami, H American Chemical Society 2003
183 저널기사 Alkalimeter / 미리보기
Hall, W. Heinlen American Chemical Society 1939
184 저널기사 Alkaline Hydrolysis of the Cyclic Nitramine Explosives RDX, HMX, and CL-20: New Insights into Degradation Pathways Obtained by the Observation of Novel Intermediates/ 미리보기
Balakrishnan, V. K American Chemical Society 2003
185 저널기사 Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives. Volume 9 미리보기
Le Quesne, P. W American Chemical Society 1980
186 저널기사 Alkoxyamine-Initiated Living Radical Polymerization: Factors Affecting Alkoxyamine Homolysis Rates 미리보기
Moad, G American Chemical Society 1995
187 저널기사 Alkyl and Alkoxyethyl Antineoplastic Phospholipids 미리보기
Koufaki, M American Chemical Society 1980
188 저널기사 Alkylation of DNA by the Anthracycline, Antitumor Drugs Adriamycin and Daunomycin 미리보기
Taatjes, D. J American Chemical Society 1980
189 저널기사 Alkylation of Isobutane with 1-Butene on a Solid Acid Catalyst in Supercritical Reaction Media/ 미리보기
Santana, G M American Chemical Society 2001
190 저널기사 Alkylation of Isobutane with C~3-C~5 Olefins To Produce High-Quality Gasolines: Physicochemical Sequence of Events/ 미리보기
Albright, L. F American Chemical Society 2003
191 저널기사 Alkylation of Toluene with Propylene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide over Chemical Liquid Deposition HZSM-5 Pellets/ 미리보기
Kuo, T-W American Chemical Society 2001
192 저널기사 Alkyl Bromides as Mechanistic Probes of Reductive Dehalogenation: Reactions of Vicinal Dibromide Stereoisomers with Zerovalent Metals/ 미리보기
Totten, Lisa A American Chemical Society 2001
193 저널기사 Alkylphenol and Alkylphenol-Ethoxylates in Carp, Water, and Sediment from the Cuyahoga River, Ohio/ 미리보기
Rice, C. P American Chemical Society 2003
194 저널기사 Alkylphenol Ethoxylate Degradation Products in Land-Applied Sewage Sludge (Biosolids)/ 미리보기
La Guardia, M J American Chemical Society 2001
195 저널기사 Alkyne Metathesis Graft Polymerization: Synthesis of Poly(ferricinium)-Based Silica Supports for Anion-Exchange Chromatography of Oligonucleotides/ 미리보기
Eder, Karoline American Chemical Society 2001
196 저널기사 All-Atom Models for the Non-Nucleoside Binding Site of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Complexed with Inhibitors: A 3D QSAR Approach 미리보기
Gussio, R American Chemical Society 1980
197 저널기사 Allegations of manipulation lead to withdrawal of Cr(VI) report/ 미리보기
American Chemical Society 2003
198 저널기사 Allosteric Activator Domain of Maintenance Human DNA (Cytosine-5) Methyltransferase and Its Role in Methylation Spreading/ 미리보기
Pradhan, S American Chemical Society 2003
199 저널기사 Allosteric Communication in the Tryptophan Synthase Bienzyme Complex: Roles of the beta-Subunit Aspartate 305-Arginine 141 Salt Bridge/ 미리보기
Ferrari, D American Chemical Society 2000
200 저널기사 All Three LDL Receptor Homology Regions of the LDL Receptor-Related Protein Bind Multiple Ligands/ 미리보기
Croy, J. E American Chemical Society 2003
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