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261 저널기사 Analogues of Capsaicin with Agonist Activity as Novel Analgesic Agents: Structure-Activity Studies. 4. Potent, Orally Active Analgesics 미리보기
Wrigglesworth, R American Chemical Society 1980
262 저널기사 Analogues of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis. 1. Effects of 10-Deazaaminopterin Analogues on Type II Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice 미리보기
DeGraw, J. I American Chemical Society 1980
263 저널기사 Analogues of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis. 2. Effects of 5-Deazaaminopterin, 5,10-Dideazaaminopterin, and Analogues on Type II Collagen-Induced Arthritis in Mice 미리보기
Piper, J. R American Chemical Society 1980
264 저널기사 Analogues of N^�(4-Amino-4-deoxypteroyl)-N^�hemiphthaloyl-L-ornithine (PT523) Modified in the Side Chain: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation 미리보기
Rosowsky, A American Chemical Society 1980
265 저널기사 Analogy between Swelling of Gels and Intrinsic Viscosity of Polymer Solutions for Ion-Complexed Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Aqueous Medium 미리보기
Shibayama, M American Chemical Society 1996
266 저널기사 An Alternate Interpretation of Polymer/Solvent Jump Size Units for Free-Volume Diffusion Models 미리보기
Zielinski, J. M American Chemical Society 1996
267 저널기사 Analysis and Design of a Linear Input/Output Data-Based Predictive Control/ 미리보기
Song, I-H American Chemical Society 2001
268 저널기사 Analysis by "Internal" Electrolysis. Ⅰ/ 미리보기
Clarke, Beverly L American Chemical Society 1936
269 저널기사 Analysis of 6-(2,2-Dichloroacetamido)chrysene Interaction with the Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase from Trypanosoma cruzi/ 미리보기
Medrano, F. J American Chemical Society 2003
270 저널기사 Analysis of a Technical Poly(ethylene oxide) by On-Line HPLC/^1H-NMR 미리보기
Pasch, H American Chemical Society 1996
271 저널기사 Analysis of Cadmium Adsorption on Novel Organo-Ceramic Adsorbents with a Thiol Functionality/ 미리보기
Gomez-Salazar, S American Chemical Society 2003
272 저널기사 Analysis of Caramel Color / 미리보기
Fetzer, W. R American Chemical Society 1938
273 저널기사 Analysis of Catalytic Carboxylate Mutants E552Q and E1197Q Suggests Asymmetric ATP Hydrolysis by the Two Nucleotide-Binding Domains of P-Glycoprotein/ 미리보기
Carrier, I American Chemical Society 2003
274 저널기사 Analysis of Caustic Liquors for Traces of Impurities / 미리보기
duffendack, O. S American Chemical Society 1938
275 저널기사 Analysis of Cell-Stabilizing Additives in Low-Density Polyethylene Foams Using Low-Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy/ 미리보기
Barsema, J. N American Chemical Society 2003
276 저널기사 Analysis of Commercial Phenothiazine Used as Insecticide / 미리보기
Smith, L. E American Chemical Society 1938
277 저널기사 Analysis of Computed Trajectories of Penetrant Micromolecules in a Simulated Polymeric Material 미리보기
Chassapis, C. S American Chemical Society 1996
278 저널기사 Analysis of Control Properties of Conventional and Nonconventional Distillation Sequences/ 미리보기
Jimenez, A American Chemical Society 2001
279 저널기사 Analysis of Crude Phosphorus and Sludges Containing Phosphorus / 미리보기
Brown, Earl H American Chemical Society 1937
280 저널기사 Analysis of Displacement Fields near Dislocation Cores in Ordered Polymers/ 미리보기
Drummy, L F American Chemical Society 2001
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