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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
621 저널기사 ARTICLES - Nonlinear Stress Relaxation of ABS Polymers in the Molten State/ 미리보기
Aoki, Yuji American Chemical Society 2001
622 저널기사 ARTICLES - Numerical Identification of the Potential of Whisker- and Platelet-Filled Polymers/ 미리보기
Gusev, Andrei A American Chemical Society 2001
623 저널기사 ARTICLES - Oxidative Graft Polymerization of Aniline on Modified Si(100) Surface 미리보기
Chen, Yongjun American Chemical Society 2001
624 저널기사 ARTICLES - Polyvalent Hydrogen-Bonding Functionalization of Ultrathin Hyperbranched Films on Polyethylene and Gold/ 미리보기
Bergbreiter, David E American Chemical Society 2001
625 저널기사 ARTICLES - Pressure-Induced Coordination-Structural Change around Zinc(II) in Zinc(II)-Neutralized Ethylene-Methacrylic Acid Ionomers. 1. Infrared Spectroscopic Studies/ 미리보기
Kutsumizu, Shoichi American Chemical Society 2001
626 저널기사 ARTICLES - Pressure-Induced Phase Separation in Polymer Solutions: Kinetics of Phase Separation and Crossover from Nucleation and Growth to Spinodal Decomposition in Solutions of Polyethylene in n-Pentane/ 미리보기
Liu, Ke American Chemical Society 2001
627 저널기사 ARTICLES - Rheological Properties of Lipopolymer-Phospholipid Mixtures at the Air-Water Interface: A Novel Form of Two-Dimensional Physical Gelation./ 미리보기
Naumann, C A American Chemical Society 2001
628 저널기사 ARTICLES - Self-Organized Thermosets: Blends of Hexamethyltetramine Cured Novolac with Poly(2-vinylpyridine)-block-poly(isoprene)/ 미리보기
Kosonen, Harri American Chemical Society 2001
629 저널기사 ARTICLES - Separation of Polymers and Small Molecules by Crystalline Host Systems/ 미리보기
Allcock, Harry R American Chemical Society 2001
630 저널기사 ARTICLES - Simulation of a Particle Formation Stage in the Dispersion Polymerization of Styrene/ 미리보기
Yasuda, Masahiro American Chemical Society 2001
631 저널기사 ARTICLES - Soluble and Recoverable Support for Copper Bromide-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization/ 미리보기
Shen, Youqing American Chemical Society 2001
632 저널기사 ARTICLES - Structure of Chlorotrifluoroethylene/Vinylidene Fluoride Random Copolymers and Homopolymers by Molecular Dynamics Simulations/ 미리보기
Gee, Richard H American Chemical Society 2001
633 저널기사 ARTICLES - Syndiospecific Living Polymerization of Propene with (t-BuNSiMe2Flu)TiMe2 Using MAO as Cocatalyst/ 미리보기
Hasan, Tariqul American Chemical Society 2001
634 저널기사 ARTICLES - Synthesis and Characterization of Oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate) Macromer/ 미리보기
Jo, Seongbong American Chemical Society 2001
635 저널기사 ARTICLES - Synthesis and Characterization of PMMA Nanocomposites by Suspension and Emulsion Polymerization/ 미리보기
Huang, Xinyu American Chemical Society 2001
636 저널기사 ARTICLES - Synthesis and Properties of AB-Type Semicrystalline Polyimides Prepared from Polyamic Acid Ethyl Ester Precursors/ 미리보기
Liu, Xiang-Qian American Chemical Society 2001
637 저널기사 Articles - Synthesis of Cytotoxic 6E-Hydroximino-4-ene Steroids: Structure/Activity Studies/ 미리보기
Deive, No� American Chemical Society 2001
638 저널기사 ARTICLES - Temperature Dependence of the Conformation of a Comblike Liquid Crystalline Polymer in a N1 Nematic Phase/ 미리보기
Brulet, A American Chemical Society 2001
639 저널기사 ARTICLES - Thermal Expansion of Supported Thin Polymer Films: A Direct Comparison of Free Surface vs Total Confinement/ 미리보기
Pochan, Darrin J American Chemical Society 2001
640 저널기사 Artifacts in Light Scattering Experiments Using Opaque Scattering Screens on the Example of Spinodal Decomposition 미리보기
Abetz, V American Chemical Society 1996
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