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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Article 9/ 미리보기
Stokic, D. S American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
62 저널기사 Assessing Risk and Harm: The Convergence of Ethical and Empirical Considerations/ 미리보기
Macciocchi, Stephen N American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001
63 저널기사 Assessing the Spastic Condition of Individuals With Upper Motoneuron Involvement: Validity of the Myotonometer/ 미리보기
Leonard, Charles T American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001
64 저널기사 Assessment of shoulder pain after stroke: sensitivity of the shoulderQ. Lynne Turner-Stokes, DM, FRCP (King's College London, London, UK), e-mail: lynne.turnerstokes@dial.pipex.com/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
65 저널기사 Association Among Neuromuscular and Anatomic Measures for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis/ 미리보기
Birmingham, Trevor B American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2001
66 저널기사 Association between apolipoprotein E4 and rehabilitation outcome in hospitalized ischemic stroke patients/ 미리보기
Treger, I American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
67 저널기사 Association between community independence level and the ability to perform everyday tasks in community-dwelling stroke survivors. Elliot J. Roth, MD (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL); Linda L. Lovell, BS; Rita K. Bode, PhD; Richard L. H/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
68 저널기사 Autonomic dysreflexia caused by an imbedded intrauterine device in a tetraplegic woman: a case report. Michael Y. Lee, MD (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC); Hang-Won Lee, MD; Richard Kim, MD; John Lavelle, MD, e-mail: michael_lee@med.unc.ed/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
69 저널기사 Axonal neuropathy of the extremities after West Nile virus: a case report. Vasilios Stambolis, MD (Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital, Wheaton, IL); Colleen Peterson, MPT; Deepthi Saxena, MD, e-mail: sbrady@marianjoy.org/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
70 저널기사 The Accuracy of Needle Placement in Lower-Limb Muscles: A Blinded Study/ 미리보기
Haig, A. J American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
71 저널기사 The American congress of rehabilitation medicine: where do we go from here?/ 미리보기
Grabois, M American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
72 저널기사 The aphasic stroke patient, competency, and the right-to-refuse treatment; medicine, law and ethics: a case report. Hillel M. Finestone, MD (SOCHS, Elisabeth Bruyere Health Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Jeff Blackmer, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, e-mail: hfinesto@sco/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
73 저널기사 The ASCO scoliosis treatment method as an alternative to bracing and surgery for idiopathic scoliosis/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
74 저널기사 The audible pop is not necessary for successful spinal high-velocity thrust manipulation in individuals with low back pain/ 미리보기
Flynn, T. W American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
75 저널기사 The author replies/ 미리보기
Naeser, M. A American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
76 저널기사 The author replies/ 미리보기
Botwin, K. P American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
77 저널기사 The author replies/ 미리보기
Haig, A. J American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
78 저널기사 The author responds/ 미리보기
Slipman, C American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
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