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221 저널기사 Arbitrage-Based Tests of Target-Zone Credibility: Evidence from ERM Cross-Rate Options 미리보기
222 저널기사 Archibald, Robert B. and David H. Feldman. The Road Ahead for America's Colleges and Universities 미리보기
Toutkoushian, Robert K. American Economic Association] 2018
223 저널기사 Are Big-Time Sports a Threat to Student Achievement? 미리보기
Lindo, J.M.; Swensen, I.D.; Waddell, G.R. American Economic Association 2012
224 저널기사 Are Biofuels the Culprit? OPEC, Food, and Fuel 미리보기
Hochman, G.; Rajagopal, D.; Zilberman, D. American Economic Association 2010
225 저널기사 Are Chinese Growth and Inflation Too Smooth? Evidence from Engel Curves 미리보기
Nakamura, Emi; Steinsson, Jón; Liu, Miao American Economic Association 2016
226 저널기사 Are Consumers Myopic? Evidence from New and Used Car Purchases 미리보기
Busse, M.R.; Knittel, C.R.; Zettelmeyer, F. American Economic Association 2013
227 저널기사 Are Consumers Poorly Informed about Fuel Economy? Evidence from Two Experiments 미리보기
Allcott, Hunt; Knittel, Christopher American Economic Association 2019
228 저널기사 Are Credit Markets Still Local? Evidence from Bank Branch Closings 미리보기
Nguyen, Hoai-Luu Q. American Economic Association 2019
229 저널기사 Are Drugs Substitutes or Complements for Intensive (and Expensive) Medical Treatment 미리보기
Zhang, Y.; Newhouse, J.P.; Baicker, K. American Economic Association 2011
230 저널기사 Are Female Leaders Good for Education? Evidence from India 미리보기
Clots-Figueras, I. American Economic Association 2012
231 저널기사 Are Female Supervisors More Female-Friendly? 미리보기
Bednar, S.; Gicheva, D. American Economic Association 2014
232 저널기사 Are Government Spending Multipliers Greater during Periods of Slack? Evidence from Twentieth-Century Historical Data 미리보기
Owyang, M.T.; Ramey, V.A.; Zubairy, S. American Economic Association 2013
233 저널기사 Are Health Insurance Markets Competitive? 미리보기
Dafny, L.S. American Economic Association 2010
234 저널기사 Are High-Quality Schools Enough to Increase Achievement Among the Poor? Evidence from the Harlem Children's Zone 미리보기
Dobbie, W.; Fryer, R.G. American Economic Association 2011
235 저널기사 Are Home Buyers Inattentive? Evidence from Capitalization of Energy Costs 미리보기
Myers, Erica American Economic Association 2019
236 저널기사 Are Immigrants Favorably Self-Selected? 미리보기
Chiswick, B. R. American Economic Association 1999
237 저널기사 Are Information Disclosures Effective? Evidence from the Credit Card Market 미리보기
Seira, Enrique; Elizondo, Alan; Laguna-Müggenburg, Eduardo American Economic Association 2017
238 저널기사 Are Local Tax Rates Strategic Complements or Strategic Substitutes? 미리보기
Parchet, Raphaël American Economic Association 2019
239 저널기사 Are Long-Run Inflation Expectations Anchored More Firmly in the Euro Area than in the United States? 미리보기
Beechey, M.J.; Johannsen, B.K.; Levin, A.T. American Economic Association 2011
240 저널기사 Are Low Interest Rates Deflationary? A Paradox of Perfect-Foresight Analysis 미리보기
García-Schmidt, Mariana; Woodford, Michael American Economic Association 2019
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