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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
561 저널기사 Analysis of the zero-point energy problem in classical trajectory simulations 미리보기
Guo, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
562 저널기사 Analysis of transfer function of metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectorequivalent circuit 미리보기
Gvozdic, D. M American Institute of Physics 1980
563 저널기사 Analysis of transient photocurrents in Cu(In,Ga)Se~2 thin film solar cells 미리보기
Nishitani, M American Institute of Physics 1980
564 저널기사 Analysis of ultraviolet photoconductivity in ZnO films prepared by unbalanced magnetron sputtering/ 미리보기
Sharma, P American Institute of Physics 2003
565 저널기사 Analysis of voltage noise in forward-biased silicon bipolar homojunctions: Low- and high-injection regimes 미리보기
Martin, M. J American Institute of Physics 1980
566 저널기사 Analysis of x-ray diffraction as a probe of interdiffusion in Si/SiGe heterostructures/ 미리보기
Aubertine, D. B American Institute of Physics 2003
567 저널기사 Analysis procedure for calculation of electron energy distribution functions from incoherent Thomson scattering spectra/ 미리보기
Bricha, E. C. i American Institute of Physics 2003
568 저널기사 Analytical and experimental study of identification of Preisach-Neel-type models for magnetic nanoparticle systems/ 미리보기
Borcia, I. D American Institute of Physics 2003
569 저널기사 Analytical calculation of Boozer magnetic coordinates for axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamlc equilibria 미리보기
Alladio, F American Institute of Physics 1980
570 저널기사 Analytical derivatives for molecular solutes. III. Hartree-Fock static polarizability and hyperpolarizabilities in the polarizable continuum model 미리보기
Cammi, R American Institute of Physics 1980
571 저널기사 Analytical description of gas transport across an interface with coupleddiffusion in two phases 미리보기
Huthwelker, T American Institute of Physics 1980
572 저널기사 Analytical energy derivatives for a realistic continuum model of solvation: Application to the analysis of solvent effects on reaction paths 미리보기
Dillet, V American Institute of Physics 1980
573 저널기사 Analytical energy gradient for the reference interaction site model multiconfigurational self-consistent-field method: Application to 1,2-difluoroethylene in aqueous solution 미리보기
Sato, H American Institute of Physics 1980
574 저널기사 Analytical fit of the I-V characteristic for cylindrical and spherical Langmuir probes/ 미리보기
Crespo, R. M American Institute of Physics 2003
575 저널기사 Analytical formulas for Racah coefficients and 6-j symbols of the quantum superalgebra U~q(osp(1/2)) 미리보기
Minnaert, P American Institute of Physics 1980
576 저널기사 Analytical model for saturable aging in semiconductor lasers/ 미리보기
Lam, S. K. K American Institute of Physics 2003
577 저널기사 Analytical model for the disruption of a metal jet penetrating detonating high explosive/ 미리보기
Chapyak, E J American Institute of Physics 2001
578 저널기사 Analytical model for the refractive index in quantum wells derived from the complex dielectric constant of Wannier excitons in noninteger dimensions 미리보기
Tanguy, C American Institute of Physics 1980
579 저널기사 Analytical model in a weakly coupled sandwich for memory purposes 미리보기
Wang, Z American Institute of Physics 1980
580 저널기사 Analytical modeling of stress-induced leakage currents in 5.1-9.6-nm-thick silicon-dioxide films based on two-step inelastic trap-assisted tunneling/ 미리보기
Lenski, Markus American Institute of Physics 2000
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