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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
941 저널기사 Application of Barkhausen effect measurements for detection of near surface stress (abstract) 미리보기
Kaminski, D. A American Institute of Physics 1980
942 저널기사 Application of Bryan's algorithm to the mobility spectrum analysis of semiconductor devices/ 미리보기
Chrastina, D American Institute of Physics 2003
943 저널기사 Application of Co-based amorphous ribbon to a noise filter and a shielded cable 미리보기
Ishii, O American Institute of Physics 1980
944 저널기사 Application of exceptional wave theory to materials used in surface acoustic wave devices 미리보기
Naumenko, N. F American Institute of Physics 1980
945 저널기사 Application of free energy expansions to mesoscopic dynamics of copolymer melts-using a Gaussian chain molecular model 미리보기
Maurits, N. M American Institute of Physics 1980
946 저널기사 Application of graph theory to the statistical thermodynamics of latticepolymers. I. Elements of theory and test for dimers 미리보기
Brazhnik, O. D American Institute of Physics 1980
947 저널기사 Application of integral equation theories to the nitrogen molecule 미리보기
Padua, A. A. H American Institute of Physics 1980
948 저널기사 Application of liftoff low-temperature-grown GaAs on transparent substrates for THz signal generation 미리보기
Heiliger, H.-M American Institute of Physics 1980
949 저널기사 Application of magnetic printing method to hard-disk media with double recording layers/ 미리보기
Ono, T American Institute of Physics 2003
950 저널기사 Application of near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure for the identification of hexagonal and cubic polytypes in epitaxial GaN 미리보기
Katsikini, M American Institute of Physics 1980
951 저널기사 Application of near-field optics to critical dimension metrology 미리보기
Bukofsky, S. J American Institute of Physics 1980
952 저널기사 Application of neural networks to turbulence control for drag reduction 미리보기
Lee, C American Institute of Physics 1980
953 저널기사 Application of optical emission microscopy for reliability studies in 4H-SiC p+/n-/n+ diodes/ 미리보기
Galeckas, A American Institute of Physics 2001
954 저널기사 Application of PDF methods to compressible turbulent flows 미리보기
Delarue, B. J American Institute of Physics 1980
955 저널기사 Application of phase-retrieval x-ray diffractometry to carbon doped SiGe(C)/Si(C) superlattice structures/ 미리보기
Siu, K. K.-W American Institute of Physics 2003
956 저널기사 Application of photoluminescence phosphors to a phosphor-liquid crystal display/ 미리보기
Do, Y R American Institute of Physics 2000
957 저널기사 Application of power laws to low Reynolds number boundary layers on smooth and rough surfaces/ 미리보기
Bergstrom, D J American Institute of Physics 2001
958 저널기사 Application of real time spectroscopic ellipsometry for high resolution depth profiling of compositionally graded amorphous silicon alloy thin films 미리보기
Fujiwara, H American Institute of Physics 1980
959 저널기사 Application of reduced-order controller to turbulent flows for drag reduction/ 미리보기
Lee, Keun H American Institute of Physics 2001
960 저널기사 Application of standard and modified Judd-Ofelt theories to a praseodymium-doped fluorozirconate glass 미리보기
Goldner, P American Institute of Physics 1980
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