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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
961 저널기사 Application of symplectic integrator to stationary reactive-scattering problems: Inhomogeneous Schroedinger equation approach 미리보기
Takahashi, K American Institute of Physics 1980
962 저널기사 Application of the effective valence shell Hamiltonian method to accurate estimation of valence and Rydberg states oscillator strengths and excitation energies for �electron systems 미리보기
Chaudhuri, R. K American Institute of Physics 1980
963 저널기사 Application of the finite-element method and the finite-difference method to photothermal inspections 미리보기
Goch, G American Institute of Physics 1980
964 저널기사 Application of the Kubo-Anderson band shape equation to vibrational relaxation studies in the frequency domain and to an improved determination of spectral second moments from experimental data 미리보기
Mariani, L American Institute of Physics 1980
Hirashita, Hiroyuki American Institute of Physics 2000
966 저널기사 Application of the principle of minimum entropy production to shock wavereflections. II. Pseudosteady flows 미리보기
Li, H American Institute of Physics 1980
967 저널기사 Application of the principle of minimum entropy production to shock wavereflections. I. Steady flows 미리보기
Li, H American Institute of Physics 1980
968 저널기사 Application of the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory to the calculation of thermodynamic properties of water and methane in the liquid and gas phase 미리보기
Apol, M. E. F American Institute of Physics 1980
969 저널기사 Application of the reference interaction site model theory to analysis on surface-induced structure of water 미리보기
Kinoshita, M American Institute of Physics 1980
970 저널기사 Application of the second harmonic generation microscope to nondestructive observation of periodically poled ferroelectric domains in quasi-phase-matched wavelength converters 미리보기
Kurimura, S American Institute of Physics 1980
971 저널기사 Application of the semi-empirical method to determine the spatial distribution function for thermalized photoelectrons created by vacuum ultraviolet or high-energy irradiation of some nonpolar dielectric liquids 미리보기
Guelfucci, J. P American Institute of Physics 1980
972 저널기사 Application of the separatrix map to study perturbed magnetic field lines near the separetrix 미리보기
Abdullaev, S. S American Institute of Physics 1980
973 저널기사 Application of the x-ray magnetic circular dichroism sum rules to Co/Pt multilayers 미리보기
Thompson, S. M American Institute of Physics 1980
974 저널기사 Applications of quantum and classical Fisher information to two-level complex and quaternionic and three-level complex systems 미리보기
Slater, P. B American Institute of Physics 1980
975 저널기사 Applications of the Ashtekar gravity to four-dimensional hyperkaehler geometry and Yang-Mills instantons 미리보기
Hashimoto, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
976 저널기사 Applications of the second-order Bragg interaction in a thin-film optical waveguide for the transverse electric mode 미리보기
So, D. W. C American Institute of Physics 1980
977 저널기사 APPLIED BIOPHYSICS - Stable integration of isolated cell membrane patches in a nanomachined aperture/ 미리보기
Fertig, N American Institute of Physics 2000
978 연속간행물 Applied physics letters. 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
American Institute of Physics American Institute of Physics 1962-
979 저널기사 APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS - Band parameters for III-V compound semiconductors and their alloys/ 미리보기
Vurgaftman, I American Institute of Physics 2001
980 저널기사 Applied voltage dependence of nano-oxidation of ferromagnetic thin films using atomic force microscope/ 미리보기
Takemura, Y American Institute of Physics 2003
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