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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Activation Volume for Hf Diffusion in an Amorphous Ni~0~.~5~4Zr~0~.~4~6 Alloy 미리보기
Grandjean, A American Physical Society 1980
62 저널기사 Active Role of Oxide Support during CO Oxidation at Au/MgO/ 미리보기
Molina, L. M American Physical Society 2003
63 저널기사 Active-Site Motion and Pattern Formation in Self-Organized Interface Depinning 미리보기
Krishnamurthy, S American Physical Society 1980
64 저널기사 Active Stabilization, Quantum Computation, and Quantum State Synthesis 미리보기
Steane, A. M American Physical Society 1980
65 저널기사 Active Transport in Biological Membranes and Stochastic Resonances 미리보기
Fulinski, A American Physical Society 1980
66 저널기사 Active Traveling Wave in the Cochlea/ 미리보기
Duke, T American Physical Society 2003
67 저널기사 Activity Driven Adaptive Stochastic Resonance/ 미리보기
Wenning, G American Physical Society 2003
68 저널기사 Adaptive Phase Measurements of Optical Modes: Going Beyond the Marginal Q Distribution 미리보기
Wiseman, H. M American Physical Society 1980
69 저널기사 Adatom Densities on GaAs: Evidence for Near-Equilibrium Growth 미리보기
Tersoff, J American Physical Society 1980
70 저널기사 Adatom Transport on Strained Cu(001): Surface Crowdions/ 미리보기
Xiao, W American Physical Society 2003
71 저널기사 Adatom-Vacancy Mechanisms for the C~6~0/Al(111)-(6 x 6) Reconstruction/ 미리보기
Stengel, M American Physical Society 2003
72 저널기사 Addition Energies of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes as Quantum Dots: The Role of Symmetry/ 미리보기
Ke, S.-H American Physical Society 2003
73 저널기사 Additivity of Quadrupole Moments in Superdeformed Bands: Single-ParticleMotion at Extreme Conditions 미리보기
Satula, W American Physical Society 1980
74 저널기사 Adequacy of the Lifshitz Theory for Certain Thin Adsorbed Films 미리보기
Panella, V American Physical Society 1980
75 저널기사 Adherence of Packing Defects in Soluble Proteins/ 미리보기
Fernandez, A American Physical Society 2003
76 저널기사 Adhesion of Membranes via Anchored Stickers 미리보기
Lipowsky, R American Physical Society 1980
77 저널기사 Adiabatically Changing the Phase-Space Density of a Trapped Bose Gas 미리보기
Pinkse, P. W. H American Physical Society 1980
78 저널기사 Adiabatic Analysis of Quantum Dynamics 미리보기
Darling, G. R American Physical Society 1980
79 저널기사 Adiabatic Density Perturbations and Matter Generation from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model/ 미리보기
Enqvist, K American Physical Society 2003
80 저널기사 Adiabatic Dynamics of Periodic Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Time Dependent Atomic Scattering Length/ 미리보기
Abdullaev, F. K American Physical Society 2003
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