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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
521 저널기사 Analysis of the Secretory Phospholipase A~2 That Mediates Prostaglandin Production in Mast Cells 미리보기
Reddy, S. T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
522 저널기사 Analysis of the signaling pathway involved in the regulation of hexokinase II gene transcription by insulin 미리보기
Osawa, H American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
523 저널기사 Analysis of the Structural Properties of cAMP-responsive Element-bindingProtein (CREB) and Phosphorylated CREB 미리보기
Richards, J. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
524 저널기사 Analysis of the Transmembrane Topology and Membrane Assembly of the GAT-1 gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Transporter 미리보기
Clark, J. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
525 저널기사 Analysis of the transmembrane topology of the glycine transporter GLYT1 미리보기
Olivares, L American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
526 저널기사 Analysis of three DnaK mutant proteins suggests that progression throughthe ATPase cycle requires conformational changes 미리보기
Kamath-Loeb, A. S American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
527 저널기사 An Amino Acid Cluster around the Essential Glu-14 Is Part of the Substrate- and Proton-binding Domain of EmrE, a Multidrug Transporter from Escherichia coli/ 미리보기
Gutman, N American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
528 저널기사 An amino acid substitution in the pore region of a glutamate-gated chloride channel enables the coupling of ligand binding to channel gating 미리보기
Etter, A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
529 저널기사 An Analysis of Retinoic Acid-induced Gene Expression and Metabolism in AB1 Embryonic Stem Cells 미리보기
Chen, A. C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
530 저널기사 An Analysis of Suppressor Mutations Suggests That the Two Halves of the Lactose Permease Function in a Symmetrical Manner 미리보기
Pazdernik, N. J American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
531 저널기사 An Ancestral Secretory Apparatus in the Protozoan Parasite Giardia intestinalis/ 미리보기
Marti, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
532 저널기사 An animal cell mutant defective in heparan sulfate hexuronic acid 2-O-sulfation 미리보기
Bai, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
533 저널기사 An Animal Cell Mutant with a Deficiency in Acyl/Alkyl-dihydroxyacetone-phosphate Reductase Activity. Effects on the Biosynthesis of Ether-Linked and Diacyl Glycerolipids 미리보기
James, P. F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
534 저널기사 An Antagonist for the Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor Inhibits Leukemia Inhibitory Factor, Cardiotrophin-1, Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, and Oncostatin M 미리보기
Vernallis, A. B American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
535 저널기사 An Antibody Reactive with Domain 4 of the Platelet-derived Growth Factor�Receptor Allows BB Binding while Inhibiting Proliferation by ImpairingReceptor Dimerization 미리보기
Shulman, T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
536 저널기사 An antisense oligonucleotide to the notch ligand jagged enhances fibroblast growth factor-induced angiogenesis in vitro 미리보기
Zimrin, A. B American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
537 저널기사 An AP-1 Binding Sequence Is Essential for Regulation of the Human �(I) Collagen 미리보기
Chung, K.-Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
538 저널기사 An Artificially Designed Pore-forming Protein with Antitumor Effects/ 미리보기
Ellerby, H. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
539 저널기사 An aspartate/insulin receptor chimera mitogenically activates fibroblasts 미리보기
Biemann, H.-P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
540 저널기사 Anatomy of TRAF2. Distinct domains for nuclear factor-kappaB activation and association with tumor necrosis factor signaling proteins 미리보기
Takeuchi, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
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