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141 저널기사 Analysis of the syrP Gene, Which Regulates Syringomycin Synthesis by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 미리보기
Zhang, J.-H American Society for Microbiology. 1980
142 저널기사 Analysis of Virulence and Inflammatory Potential of Shigella flexneri Purine Biosynthesis Mutants/ 미리보기
Cersini, A American Society for Microbiology 2003
143 저널기사 Analysis of Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Profiles of Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis with the Microbial Identification System 미리보기
Steele, M American Society for Microbiology. 1980
144 저널기사 Analysis of Wild-Type and Mutant p21^W^A^F^-^1 Gene Activities 미리보기
Lin, J American Society for Microbiology 1980
145 저널기사 Analysis of xysA, a Gene from Streptomyces halstedii JM8 That Encodes a 45-Kilodalton Modular Xylanase, Xysl 미리보기
Ruiz-Arribas, A American Society for Microbiology. 1980
146 저널기사 An Aminotransferase from Lactococcus lactis Initiates Conversion of Amino Acids to Cheese Flavor Compounds 미리보기
Yvon, M American Society for Microbiology. 1980
147 저널기사 An Application in Cheddar Cheese Manufacture for a Strain of Lactococcuslactis Producing a Novel Broad-Spectrum Bacteriocin, Lacticin 3147 미리보기
Ryan, M. P American Society for Microbiology. 1980
148 저널기사 An Aspergillus niger Esterase (Ferulic Acid Esterase III) and a Recombinant Pseudomonas fluorescens subsp. cellulosa Esterase (XylD) Release a 5-5' Ferulic Dehydrodimer (Diferulic Acid) from Barley and Wheat Cell Walls 미리보기
Bartolome, B American Society for Microbiology. 1980
149 저널기사 An Assay Combining Cell Culture with Reverse Transcriptase PCR To Detectand Determine the Infectivity of Waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum 미리보기
Rochelle, P. A American Society for Microbiology. 1980
150 저널기사 An Attenuated Strain of the Facultative Intracellular Bacterium Francisella tularensis Can Escape the Phagosome of Monocytic Cells/ 미리보기
Golovliov, I American Society for Microbiology 2003
151 저널기사 Anchorage-Dependent Transcription of the Cyclin A Gene 미리보기
Schulze, A American Society for Microbiology 1980
152 저널기사 Anchoring of CREB Binding Protein to the Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Promoter: A Molecular Mechanism of Tax Transactivation 미리보기
Giebler, H. A American Society for Microbiology 1980
153 저널기사 Ancient Origin of the Tryptophan Operon and the Dynamics of Evolutionary Change/ 미리보기
Xie, G American Society for Microbiology 2003
154 저널기사 An Enterococcus faecium Secreted Antigen, SagA, Exhibits Broad-Spectrum Binding to Extracellular Matrix Proteins and Appears Essential for E. faecium Growth/ 미리보기
Teng, F American Society for Microbiology 2003
155 저널기사 An Enzymatically Active A Domain Is Required for Cholera-Like Enterotoxins To Induce a Long-Lived Blockade on the Induction of Oral Tolerance: New Method for Screening Mucosal Adjuvants/ 미리보기
Bagley, K. C American Society for Microbiology 2003
156 저널기사 An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Detection of Vibrio vulnificus Biotype 2: Development and Field Studies 미리보기
Biosca, E. G American Society for Microbiology. 1980
157 저널기사 An Essential E Box in the Promoter of the Gene Encoding the mRNA Cap-Binding Protein (Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4E) Is a Target for Activationby c-myc 미리보기
Jones, R. M American Society for Microbiology 1980
158 저널기사 An Evaluation of Methods for the Simultaneous Detection of Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Giardia Cysts from Water 미리보기
Shepherd, K. M American Society for Microbiology. 1980
159 저널기사 An Exceptionally Conserved Transcriptional Repressor, CTCF, Employs Different Combinations of Zinc Fingers To Bind Diverged Promoter Sequences ofAvian and Mammalian c-myc Oncogenes 미리보기
Filippova, G. N American Society for Microbiology 1980
160 저널기사 An Extremely Thermostable Cellulase from the Thermophilic Eubacterium Rhodothermus marinus 미리보기
Hreggvidsson, G. O American Society for Microbiology. 1980
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