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181 저널기사 Anticipated and Experienced Emotions in Consumer Choice 미리보기
Wertenbroch, K. Association for Consumer Research 2000
182 저널기사 Anticipate, Go Big, Enjoy, Repeat: Towards an Optimal Consumption Strategy and Well-Being 미리보기
Lowe, M.; Haws, K. Association for Consumer Research 2012
183 저널기사 Anticipating Consumption: The Impact of Expectations on Decision-Making for Healthy Products 미리보기
Phillips, D.M.; Phillips, J.K.; Childs, N.M. Association for Consumer Research 2008
184 저널기사 Anticipating Returns: Preemptive Compensation as a Double-Edged Sword 미리보기
Wood, S. L.; Haws, K. L. Association for Consumer Research 2005
185 저널기사 Anticipating the Future: The Role of Consumption Visions in Consumer Behavior 미리보기
Phillips, D. M Association for Consumer Research 1980
186 저널기사 Anticipating the Future: The Role of Consumption Visions in Consumer Behavior 미리보기
187 저널기사 Anticipations and Consumer Decision Making 미리보기
Pham, M. T. Association for Consumer Research 1994
188 저널기사 Anti-Consumers in Action: Coping with the Challenges and Consequences of `Drinking Sensibly' 미리보기
Piacentini, M.G.; Banister, E.N. Association for Consumer Research 2008
189 저널기사 Anti-consumption: Now on Sale 미리보기
Gopaldas, A. Association for Consumer Research 2008
190 저널기사 Anxiety Associated with Social Issues: The Development of a Scale to Measure an Antecedent Construct 미리보기
191 저널기사 Anxiety Associated with Social Issues: The Development of a Scale to Measure an Antecedent Construct 미리보기
Sego, T.;Stout, P. A. Association for Consumer Research 1993
192 저널기사 Appraisal Theory of Emotions and Advertising Rhetoric: A Model of Consumer Reactions 미리보기
Albinsson, P.A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
193 저널기사 Appraisal Theory of Emotions and Advertising Rhetoric: A Model of Consumer Reactions 미리보기
Albinsson, P.A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
194 저널기사 Appreciating the Local versus Trusting the Global: Shifting Standards in the Evaluation of Product Failures 미리보기
Sayin, E.; Aydinoglu, N.; Ozsomer, A.; Gurhan-Canli, Z. Association for Consumer Research 2013
195 저널기사 Approaching God: Proxy and Proximity of Brand Heroes to the Brand Community 미리보기
Eagar, T. Association for Consumer Research 2012
196 저널기사 Are All Referrals Created Equal? The Impact of Social Connections on Consumer Discounts 미리보기
Johnson, B.R.; Ross, W.T. Association for Consumer Research 2009
197 저널기사 Are All Referrals Created Equal? The Impact of Social Connections on Consumer Discounts 미리보기
Johnson, B.R.; Ross, W.T. Association for Consumer Research 2009
198 저널기사 Are Bad Reviews Stronger than Good? Asymmetric Negativity Biases in the Formation of Online Consumer Trust 미리보기
Yin, D.; Bond, S.; Zhang, H. Association for Consumer Research 2012
199 저널기사 Are Consumer Relationships Different? 미리보기
Johnson, A. R.; Thomson, M. Association for Consumer Research 2003
200 저널기사 Are Consumers Intuitively Bayesian? The Role of Consumer Metacognition 미리보기
Biswas, D.; Zhao, G.; Lehmann, D.; Grewal, D. Association for Consumer Research 2009
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