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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Action-Driven Evolution of General and Enduring Preference Hierarchies 미리보기
Litt, A. Association for Consumer Research 2009
22 저널기사 Activation of Salesperson Stereotypes Affects Perceptions of Word-of-Mouth Referral 미리보기
Tuk, M. A.; Verlegh, P. W. J.; Smidts, A.; Wigboldus, D. H. J. Association for Consumer Research 2005
23 저널기사 Ad and Brand Evaluations in a Competitive Processing Context-The Effects of Number of Attributes and Repetiton Strategies 미리보기
Chang, C. Association for Consumer Research 2005
24 저널기사 Adaptation Can Enhance Consumption Experiences 미리보기
Huh, Y.E.; Vosgerau, J. Association for Consumer Research 2012
25 저널기사 Adaptive Selling Behavior among Retail Salespeople: The Use of Overt Cues and Consumer Stereotypes 미리보기
Mallalieu, L. Association for Consumer Research 2007
26 저널기사 Ad Cognitions in Television Ad Processing: The Expectation-Motivation-Matching Model (E3M) 미리보기
Peterson, M.; Malhotra, N. Association for Consumer Research 2001
27 저널기사 Adding and Subtracting: Decision Making During Accumulation and Decumulation of Retirement Savings 미리보기
Appelt, K. Association for Consumer Research 2013
28 저널기사 Adding Exchange to Charity: a Reference Price Explanation 미리보기
Briers, B.; Pandelaere, M.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
29 저널기사 Adding Exchange to Charity: a Reference Price Explanation 미리보기
Briers, B.; Pandelaere, M.; Warlop, L. Association for Consumer Research 2006
30 저널기사 Adolescent and Adult Responses to Communications Perceived as Fear Arousing or Fear Neutral 미리보기
Frankenberger, K. D. Association for Consumer Research 2003
31 저널기사 Adolescent Compulsive Consumption: Issues in Motivation, Identification and Prevention 미리보기
Scattone, J.;Maheswaran, D. Association for Consumer Research 1994
32 저널기사 Adolescent Motivations to Watch Reality Television 미리보기
Patino, A.; Kalcheva, V.; Smith, M. Association for Consumer Research 2012
33 저널기사 Adolescents Yet Again Speak of Fashion: An Account of Participation and Resistance 미리보기
Yalkin, C.; Elliott, R. Association for Consumer Research 2009
34 저널기사 Adolescents Yet Again Speak of Fashion: An Account of Participation and Resistance 미리보기
Yalkin, C.; Elliott, R. Association for Consumer Research 2009
35 저널기사 Adults' Consumption of Videogames as Imaginative Escape From Routine 미리보기
Molesworth, M. Association for Consumer Research 2009
36 저널기사 Adults' Consumption of Videogames as Imaginative Escape From Routine 미리보기
Molesworth, M. Association for Consumer Research 2009
37 연속간행물 Advances in consumer research 미리보기
중앙도서관 대출불가(별치) 열기
Association for Consumer Research (U.S.) Association for Consumer Research 1974-
38 저널기사 Advances in Judgmental and Inferential Heuristics 미리보기
Dai, X.; Wertenbroch, K. Association for Consumer Research 2008
39 저널기사 Advances in Regulatory Focus and Regulatory Fit Theory: Effects on Consumer Search, Consumer Satisfaction, and Self-Control 미리보기
Pham, M.T.; Trudel, R. Association for Consumer Research 2008
40 저널기사 Advances in the Investigation and Application of the Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic 미리보기
Nelson, L. D. Association for Consumer Research 2005
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