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141 저널기사 Archibugi (Daniele) and Micheie (Jonathan), (Eds). Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance 미리보기
Simonetti, R. BLACKWELL 1999
142 저널기사 Architectural design management within the digital design team 미리보기
Otter, A. F. D.;Prins, M. Blackwell 2002
143 저널기사 ARCH Models: Properties, Estimation and Testing 미리보기
Bera, A. K. BLACKWELL 1993
144 저널기사 Are Business Startups Debt-Rationed? 미리보기
Cressy, R. BLACKWELL 1996
145 저널기사 Are Golden Parachutes an Optimal Contracting Response or Evidence of Managerial Entrenchment?: Evidence from Successful Takeovers 미리보기
Subramaniam, C. BLACKWELL 2001
146 저널기사 Are Grains of Sand in the Wheels of International Finance Sufficient To Do the Job When Boulders are Often Required? 미리보기
Davidson, P. BLACKWELL 1997
147 저널기사 Are Higher Long-Term Unemployment Rates Associated With Lower Earnings? 미리보기
Manning, N. BLACKWELL 1994
148 저널기사 Are Money Announcements Forecasts Rational? 미리보기
Liu, P. C. BLACKWELL 1994
149 저널기사 Are Private Sector Standards Enough? An Example From Public Sector Hospitals in New Zealand 미리보기
Van Peursem, K. A. BLACKWELL 1998
150 저널기사 Are resource-abundant economies disadvantaged? 미리보기
Anderson, K. Blackwell 1998
151 저널기사 Are Rising Earnings Profiles a Forced-saving Mechanism? 미리보기
Neumark, D. BLACKWELL 1995
152 저널기사 Arestis (Philip), Palma (Gabriel) and Sawyer (Malcolm), (Eds). Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic Thought: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Volume One 미리보기
Backhouse, R. E. BLACKWELL 1999
153 저널기사 Arestis (Philip), Palma (Gabriel) and Sawyer (Malcolm), (Eds). Markets, Unemployment and Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Volume Two 미리보기
Backhouse, R. E. BLACKWELL 1999
154 저널기사 Are Sutton's predictions robust?: Empirical insights into advertising, R&D, and concentration 미리보기
Robinson, William T Blackwell 1996
155 저널기사 Are Sutton's predictions robust?: Empirical insights into advertising, R&D, and concentration 미리보기
Robinson, William T Blackwell 1996
156 저널기사 Are the Output Effects of Monetary Policy Asymmetric? Evidence from a Sample of European Countries 미리보기
Karras, G. BLACKWELL 1996
157 저널기사 Are there Differential Returns to Schooling by Gender? The Case of Indonesian Labour Markets 미리보기
Behrman, J. R. BLACKWELL 1995
158 저널기사 Are There Hot Hands Among Mutual Fund Houses in Hong Kong? 미리보기
Cheng, L. T. W. BLACKWELL 1999
159 저널기사 Are There Unit Roots in Real Economic Variables? An Encompassing Analysis of Difference and Trend Stationarity 미리보기
Hatanaka, M Blackwell 1995
160 저널기사 Are Underground Workers More Likely to be Underground Consumers? 미리보기
Fortin, B. BLACKWELL 2000
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