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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 An Empirical Study into the Psychosocial Reactions of Staff Working as Helpers to those Affected in the Aftermath of two Traumatic Incidents/ 미리보기
Gibson, M British Association of Social Workers 2003
22 저널기사 An Evaluation of Social Support Intervention with Depressed Mothers in Child and Family Care 미리보기
Sheppard, M. British Association of Social Workers 2004
23 저널기사 An examination of Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Theory and Practice inSocial Work Education 미리보기
Macey, M British Association of Social Workers 1980
24 저널기사 An Examination of the Use of Coercion by Assertive Outreach and Community Mental Health Teams in Northern Ireland 미리보기
Davidson, G.; Campbell, J. British Association of Social Workers 2007
25 저널기사 An Experiment in Helping Foster-Carers Manage Challenging Behaviour 미리보기
Macdonald, G.; Turner, W. British Association of Social Workers 2005
26 저널기사 An Inclusive Approach to Knowledge for Mental Health Social Work Practice and Policy 미리보기
Gould, N. British Association of Social Workers 2006
27 저널기사 An Innovative Project for Young People in Care Who have been Sexually Abused 미리보기
Mistral, W.; Evans, S. British Association of Social Workers 2002
28 저널기사 An Outcomes Focus in Carer Assessment and Review: Value and Challenge 미리보기
Nicholas, E. British Association of Social Workers 2003
29 저널기사 `Anti-Oppressiveness': Critical Comments on a Discourse and its Context 미리보기
Millar, M. British Association of Social Workers 2008
30 저널기사 'Anti-Oppressive Practice': Emancipation or Appropriation?/ 미리보기
Wilson, Anne British Association of Social Workers 2000
31 저널기사 Anti-Oppressive Research in Social Work: A Preliminary Definition 미리보기
Strier, R. British Association of Social Workers 2007
32 저널기사 Anti-oppressive Social Work Practice with Women in Prison: Discursive Reconstructions and Alternative Practices 미리보기
Pollack, S. British Association of Social Workers 2004
33 저널기사 An Unacceptable Role for Social Work: Implementing Immigration Policy 미리보기
Humphries, B. British Association of Social Workers 2004
34 저널기사 `A Pair of Stout Shoes and an Umbrella': The Role of the Mental Welfare Officer in Delivering Community Care in East Anglia: 1946-1970 미리보기
Rolph, S.; Atkinson, D.; Walmsley, J. British Association of Social Workers 2003
35 저널기사 Applying a Community Needs Profiling Approach to Tackling Service User Poverty 미리보기
Green, R. British Association of Social Workers 2000
36 저널기사 Applying for Money 미리보기
Hyden, L.-C British Association of Social Workers 1980
37 저널기사 Applying Single-Case Evaluation in Social Work 미리보기
Kazi, M. A. P British Association of Social Workers 1980
38 저널기사 Appraising and Using Social Research in the Human Services: An Introduction for Social Work and Health Professionals,Michael Sheppard,London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004, pp. 256, ISBN 1 85302 098 2, 19.95/$34.95 미리보기
Buchanan, A. British Association of Social Workers 2006
39 저널기사 Are Young People in Correctional Institutions Different from Community Students Who Have Never Been Convicted?: Differences in Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviours/ 미리보기
Sohn, B British Association of Social Workers 2003
40 저널기사 Asian Carers' Experiences of Medical and Social Care: The Case of Cerebral Palsy 미리보기
Mir, G British Association of Social Workers 2003
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