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41 저널기사 Asian Carers' Perceptions of Care Assessment and Support in the Community 미리보기
Hepworth, D. British Association of Social Workers 2005
42 저널기사 Assessing the Assessment: Some Reflections on the 1996 RAE 미리보기
Cheetham, J British Association of Social Workers 1980
43 저널기사 Assessing the Barriers to Achieving Genuine Housing Choice for Adults with a Learning Disability: The Views of Family Carers and Professionals 미리보기
Bowey, L. British Association of Social Workers 2005
44 저널기사 Assessing the Impact of Social Factors on the Mental Health of Chinese at Risk Adolescents in Hong Kong 미리보기
Davis, C.; Tang, C.; Ko, J. British Association of Social Workers 2002
45 저널기사 Assessing the Quality of Knowledge in Social Care: Exploring the Potential of a Set of Generic Standards 미리보기
Long, A. F.; Grayson, L.; Boaz, A. British Association of Social Workers 2006
46 저널기사 Assessing the Support Needs of Adopted Children and their Families: Building Secure New Lives, Liza Bingley Miller and Arnon Bentovim, London, Routledge, 2007, pp. vii + 146, ISBN 978 0 415 40945 2, 16.99 미리보기
McGowan, J. British Association of Social Workers 2008
47 저널기사 Assessment and Social Construction: Conflict or Co-Creation? 미리보기
Rehner Iversen, R.; Gergen, K. J.; Fairbanks, R. P. British Association of Social Workers 2005
48 저널기사 Assessment Frameworks: A Critical Reflection 미리보기
Crisp, B. R.; Anderson, M. R.; Orme, J.; Lister, P. G. British Association of Social Workers 2007
49 저널기사 Attachment Style in Adults who Failed to Thrive as Children: Outcomes of a 20 Year Follow-up Study of Factors Influencing Maintenance or Change in Attachment Style/ 미리보기
Iwaniec, Dorota British Association of Social Workers 2001
50 저널기사 Avoidable and Unavoidable Mistakes in Child Protection Work 미리보기
Munro, E British Association of Social Workers 1980
51 저널기사 The Abduction of Credibility: A Reply to John Paley 미리보기
Cook, K British Association of Social Workers 1980
52 저널기사 The Adoption Reunion Handbook, Liz Trinder, Julia Feast and David Howe, Chichester, West Sussex, John Wiley and Sons, 2004, pp. 161, ISBN 0 470 09422 2, 12.99 미리보기
Wilson, K. British Association of Social Workers 2005
53 저널기사 The Adoption Triangle Revisited: A Study of Adoption, Search and Reunion Experiences,John Triseliotis, Julia Feast and Fiona Kyle,London, BAAF, 2005, pp. xiv + 402, ISBN 1 903699 711, 14.95 미리보기
Prynn, B. British Association of Social Workers 2006
54 저널기사 The assessment relationship: interactions between social workers and parents in child protection assessments 미리보기
Holland, S. British Association of Social Workers 2000
55 저널기사 The Authentic Warmth Dimension of Professional Childcare 미리보기
Cameron, R.J.; Maginn, C. British Association of Social Workers 2008
56 저널기사 The A-Z of Social Research, Robert Miller and John Brewer (eds), London, Sage, 2003, pp. xv + 346, 0 7619 7132 7, 60 hdbk, 0 7619 7133 5, 19.99 pbk 미리보기
Berridge, D. British Association of Social Workers 2004
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