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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
301 저널기사 After Achson: Constructureon a primary care unit: the dram 미리보기
KEY, IAN British Medical Association 1983
302 저널기사 After-exercise thermography and prediction of deep vein thrombosis 미리보기
LINDHAGEN,A British Medical Association 1982
303 저널기사 After gastrectomy 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
304 저널기사 After the infarct. 미리보기
OAKLEY, CELIA.M British Medical Association 1983
305 저널기사 After the siege 미리보기
SIMPSON, DAVID British Medical Association 1981
306 저널기사 Age in epidemiological analysis/ 미리보기
Reijneveld, S. A British Medical Association 2003
307 저널기사 Agenda of Annual Representative Meeting 1982 미리보기
British Medical Association 1982
308 저널기사 Agenda of Annual Representative Meetings 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
309 저널기사 Age-sex registers as a screening tool for general pracice:size of the wrong address problem/ 미리보기
SILMAN,ALAN J British Medical Association 1984
310 저널기사 Agoraphobia and space phobia 미리보기
GELDER,M.G British Medical Association 1982
311 저널기사 Agorithm for modified alkaline diuresis in salicylate poisoning 미리보기
GORDON,I J British Medical Association 1984
312 저널기사 Agranulocytosis associated with malarisa prophylaxis with Maloprim. 미리보기
FRIMAN, GORAN British Medical Association 1983
313 저널기사 Agranulocytosis caused by spironolactone 미리보기
CHSTRICKER,B H British Medical Association 1984
314 저널기사 Agreed recommendations on specialist training in EEC 미리보기
British Medical Association 1983
315 저널기사 AIDS and the gay community: the doctor's role in counselling. 미리보기
WHITEHEAD, G LEACH British Medical Association 1985
316 저널기사 AIDS and the sheath professions 미리보기
British Medical Association 1985
317 저널기사 AIDS in a patient with Crohn's disease 미리보기
DHAR, J.M British Medical Association 1984
318 저널기사 AIDS;sense not fear 미리보기
ADLER, MICHAEL.W British Medical Association 1984
319 저널기사 Ain't necessarity so 미리보기
HOLLAND, RUTH British Medical Association 1981
320 저널기사 Air in the bones: multifocal anaeroid osteomyelitis asscociated with oat cell carcinoma./ 미리보기
PHILIPPE, JACQUES British Medical Association 1985
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