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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
321 저널기사 Air pollution and lung cancer: what more do we need to know?/ 미리보기
Cohen, A. J British Medical Association 2003
322 저널기사 Airway hyperresponsiveness and COPD mortality/ 미리보기
Vestbo, J British Medical Association 2001
323 저널기사 Alaintaining the accuracy of a computer practice register 미리보기
DIFFORD, F British Medical Association 1985
324 저널기사 Albendazole in hydatid diseaes. 미리보기
MORRIS, D. L British Medical Association 1983
325 저널기사 Albumin as a tear supplement in the treatment of severe dry eye/ 미리보기
Shimmura, S British Medical Association 2003
326 저널기사 Alchol:another risk factor for diabetic retinopathy? 미리보기
YOUNG, R.J British Medical Association 1984
327 저널기사 ALC of Poisoning: Analgesics:Opioids 미리보기
HENRY,JOHN British Medical Association 1984
328 저널기사 Alcohol abatention and premature mortality in middle-aged men 미리보기
PETERSSON,BO British Medical Association 1982
329 저널기사 Alcohol abuse 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
330 저널기사 Alcohol and advice to the pregnant woman 미리보기
EDWARDS, GRIFFITH British Medical Association 1983
331 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcohoism 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1982
332 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1982
333 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Alcohol and work : a promising approach 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
334 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Alcohol,women,and the young : the same old problem? 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
335 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism:Overture to the alcohol debate 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
336 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism:Preventing alcohol problems:a job for Canute? 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
337 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : The habitual drunken offender : everydbody's fool,nobody's friend/ 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
338 저널기사 Alcohol and alcoholism:The politics of alcohol 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1982
339 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : The relation between consumption and damage 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
340 저널기사 Alcohol and Alcoholism : Treating alcohol problems : making ends meet 미리보기
SMITH,RICHARD British Medical Association 1981
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