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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
861 저널기사 Autumn Books:Reflections on two French fictional doctors 미리보기
JACOBI,MARGARET British Medical Association 1981
862 저널기사 Autumn Books:Theories of madmen assessed 미리보기
HARE,E.H British Medical Association 1981
863 저널기사 Autumn Books:Useful for medical historians 미리보기
THORNTON,JOHN L British Medical Association 1981
864 저널기사 Availability of computed tomography for the management of head injuries in England and Wales / 미리보기
BAKER, IAN A British Medical Association 1982
865 저널기사 Availability of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs over the counter:information needed/ 미리보기
DAWES,P T British Medical Association 1984
866 저널기사 Avascular necrosis of bone caused by combination chemotheraphy without corticosteroids / 미리보기
HARPER, PETER.G British Medical Association 1984
867 저널기사 Aviar medicine in the '80s 미리보기
MILLIS, JOHN. F British Medical Association 1985
868 저널기사 Aviation Medicine 미리보기
HARDING, RICHARD. M British Medical Association 1983
869 저널기사 Aviation Medicine? 미리보기
HUME, W.G. MACKENZIE British Medical Association 1983
870 저널기사 Aviation Medicine:Acceleration I:Long duration acceleration 미리보기
MILLS, F. JOHN British Medical Association 1983
871 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : A valediction 미리보기
MILLS, F.JOHN British Medical Association 1983
872 저널기사 Aviation Medicine:Aviation psychlolgy I:Human errors and warning systems 미리보기
GREEN, ROGER British Medical Association 1983
873 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Aviation psychology II:Assessing workload and selection pilots./ 미리보기
GREEN, ROGER British Medical Association 1983
874 저널기사 Aviation Medicine :Fitness to travel by air I:Physiological consederations 미리보기
MILLIS, F. JOHN British Medical Association 1983
875 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Fitness to travel vy air II:Specific medical consedirations 미리보기
MILLS, F. JOHN British Medical Association 1983
876 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Function of the special senses in flight I: Vision and spatial orientation / 미리보기
HARDING, RICHARD M British Medical Association 1983
877 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Function of the special sinses in flight II : Morion sickness and communication/ 미리보기
HARDING, RICHARD M British Medical Association 1983
878 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Is the crew fit to fly? Ⅰ: Licensing requipments for aircrew / 미리보기
HARDING, RICHARD.M British Medical Association 1983
879 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Is the crew fit to fly? Ⅱ: Specific medical considerations 미리보기
HARDING, RICHARD. M British Medical Association 1983
880 저널기사 Aviation Medicine : Legal aspects of inflight emergencies 미리보기
CHAPMAN, P.J.C British Medical Association 1983
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