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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
161 저널기사 Abdominal hernias in patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis/ 미리보기
CHAN,M.K British Medical Association 1981
162 저널기사 Ablative radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism:long term follow up study 미리보기
KENDALL-TAYLOR,PAT British Medical Association 1984
163 저널기사 Abnormal cardiac enzyme responses after strenuous exercise:alternative diagnostic aids/ 미리보기
OHMAN,E.M British Medical Association 1982
164 저널기사 Abnormal cervical smears : are we in for an epidemic? 미리보기
WOLFENDALE, MARGARET.R British Medical Association 1983
165 저널기사 Abnormalities in vascular arachidonic acid metabolism in the infant of the diabetic mother/ 미리보기
STUART, MARIE J British Medical Association 1985
166 저널기사 Abnormalities of cardiac conduction in diabetics 미리보기
BLANDFORD,R.L British Medical Association 1984
167 저널기사 Abnormal mammograms with no lump 미리보기
WEBSTER, D.J.T British Medical Association 1982
168 저널기사 Abnormal oesophageal motility in patients with chronic cough/ 미리보기
Kastelik, J. A British Medical Association 2003
169 저널기사 ABO blood group, secretor state, and susceptibility to recurrent urinary tract infection in women / 미리보기
KINANE, D.F British Medical Association 1982
170 저널기사 Abonormaltites of growth hormone release in response to human pancreatic grow th hormone releaseing factor(GRF(1-44))in acromegaly and hypopituitarism/ 미리보기
WOOD, S. M British Medical Association 1983
171 저널기사 About George W Bush's Iraq war/ 미리보기
Susser, M British Medical Association 2003
172 저널기사 Absence of response of prolactin to hypoglycaemia induce by insulin in obese children./ 미리보기
OSEKO, FUMIMIMARO British Medical Association 1985
173 저널기사 Absorption of glucose from urinary conduits in diabetics and non-diabetics 미리보기
SRIDHAR, K.N British Medical Association 1983
174 저널기사 Absorption of isophane(NPH) insulin and its clinical implications 미리보기
LAURITZEN, TORSTEN British Medical Association 1982
175 저널기사 Abstracts - Society for Social Medicine annual meeting 2000/ 미리보기
British Medical Association 2000
176 저널기사 Academic staff:redundancy payments 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
177 저널기사 Academic staff salaries 미리보기
British Medical Association 1982
178 저널기사 Academic surgery:future uncertain 미리보기
DUDLEY, H.A.F British Medical Association 1981
179 저널기사 Acceleration of ventricular rate by amiodarone in atrial fibrillation associated with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome / 미리보기
SHEINMAN, BRYAN D British Medical Association 1982
180 저널기사 Acceptance of viewdata for poisons information 미리보기
PROUDFOOT,A T British Medical Association 1984
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