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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Activity Therapy As A Reconstructive Plan On The Social competence Of Chronic Hospitalized patients / 미리보기
Beard, margaret T Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
2 저널기사 Adding a Sexual Assessment to the health Interview / 미리보기
Whitley, marilyn Peddicord Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
3 저널기사 Adolescent Ambivalence : 미리보기
Fox, Kathleen Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1980
4 저널기사 Adolescent Depression : 미리보기
Mellencamp, Astrid Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1981
5 저널기사 Adolescent Female Rape Victims : 미리보기
Schmidt, Anna Marie Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1981
6 저널기사 Advocacy in Family Therapy / 미리보기
Gunderson, Sandra S Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1980
7 저널기사 Alcoholism and the Family : 미리보기
Van Gee, Susan J Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1979
8 저널기사 An Adaptation of Ego Function Assessment Techniques During Transactions With A Schizophrenic Existence / 미리보기
Modly, Doris Matherny Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1979
9 저널기사 Analysis of a System / 미리보기
Powers, Pauline S Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
10 저널기사 An Approach for Facilitating the Passage Through termination / 미리보기
Koehne-Kaplan, Nancy S Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
11 저널기사 An Approcah to the Therapeutic Evaluation of Prison Inmates / 미리보기
Feinberg, Rhoda Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1981
12 저널기사 An Ecological Framework for Crisis Intervention / 미리보기
Lancaster, Barbara Jeanette Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
13 저널기사 An evaluation of the Effect of Nurses wearing Street Clothes on Socialization Patterns / 미리보기
Malcolmson, Karen Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1977
14 저널기사 An Evening Diversional Activity Program for Psychiatric Patients / 미리보기
Singerman, Burton Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1980
15 저널기사 An Innovative Approach to Health Care for the Elderly : 미리보기
Brown, Brenda D Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1977
16 저널기사 An Operational approach to the Delayed Grief and Mourning Process / 미리보기
Hauser, Marilyn Jean Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1976
17 저널기사 Anorexia Nervosa / 미리보기
Dikowitz, Sally Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1976
18 저널기사 Anxiety and Depression in the Stroke Patient : 미리보기
Schwartzman, Sylvia T Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1976
19 저널기사 Anxiety Levels of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients Throughout Total Hospitalization / 미리보기
Kristic, Janet Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1979
20 저널기사 Applying yalom's Principles to Crisis work Some Intriguing Results / 미리보기
Chen, Martha E Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1978
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