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341 저널기사 Analysis of the limits of the CT2-profile method for sensible heat flux measurements in unstable conditions/ 미리보기
Lagouarde, J-P Elsevier 2000
342 저널기사 Analysis of the performance of subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) optical systems/ 미리보기
Betti, S Elsevier 2000
343 저널기사 Analysis of Transition Data by the Minimum-Chi-Square Method: An Application to Welfare Spells in Belgium 미리보기
Cockx, B. L. W. ELSEVIER 1997
344 저널기사 Analysis of US real GNP and unemployment interactions: State space approach 미리보기
Aoki, M. ELSEVIER 1993
345 저널기사 Analysis of young neighborhood firms serving urban minority clients 미리보기
Bates, T.; Robb, A. Elsevier 2008
346 저널기사 Analyst following and count-data econometrics 미리보기
Rock, S. ELSEVIER 2000
347 저널기사 Analysts and clients in organisational contexts: a conversational perspective 미리보기
Urquhart, C. ELSEVIER 2001
348 저널기사 Analysts' forecasts as proxies for investor beliefs in empirical research 미리보기
Abarbanell, J. S. ELSEVIER 1995
349 저널기사 Analytical approach of determining job division in manual assembly systems 미리보기
Zulch, Gert Elsevier 1997
350 저널기사 Analytical evaluation of heurisitics performance for the single-level lot-sizing problem for 미리보기
Ganas, Ioannis S Elsevier 1997
351 저널기사 Analytical solutions to a structural signal extraction model: Lucas 1972 revisited 미리보기
Benassy, J.-P.J.-P. ELSEVIER 1999
352 저널기사 Analytic and bootstrap estimates of prediction errors in claims reserving 미리보기
England, P.;Verrall, R. Elsevier 1999
353 저널기사 Analytic derivatives of the matrix exponential for estimation of linear continuous-time models 미리보기
Chen, B. ELSEVIER 2001
354 저널기사 Analyzing interaction effects on MRP implementation using ACE 미리보기
Sum, Chee-Chuong Elsevier 1999
355 저널기사 Analyzing investments whose histories differ in length 미리보기
Stambaugh, R. F. ELSEVIER 1997
356 저널기사 Analyzing Investments Whose Histories Differ in Length 미리보기
Stambaugh, R. F. ELSEVIER 1997
357 저널기사 Analyzing literature-based innovation output indicators: the Italian experience 미리보기
Santarelli, E. ELSEVIER 1996
358 저널기사 Analyzing properties of K-cones in the generalized data envelopment analysis model 미리보기
Quanling, W. ELSEVIER 1997
359 저널기사 Analyzing rating transitions and rating drift with continuous observations 미리보기
Lando, D.; Skodeberg, T. M. ELSEVIER 2002
360 저널기사 Analyzing the economic cost of the Kyoto protocol 미리보기
Khanna, N. ELSEVIER 2001
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