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141 저널기사 Adverse selection and the purchase of Medigap insurance by the elderly 미리보기
Ettner, S. L. ELSEVIER 1997
142 저널기사 Advert-CD 0971 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
143 저널기사 Advertisements 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
144 저널기사 Advertising and pricing to deter or accommodate entry when demand is unknown: Comment 미리보기
Albaek, S. ELSEVIER 1994
145 저널기사 Advertising and publicity: An information processing perspective 미리보기
Lord, K. R. ELSEVIER 1993
146 저널기사 Advertising and the stability of consideration sets over multiple purchase occasions 미리보기
Mitra, A. ELSEVIER 1995
147 저널기사 Advertising for economic change 미리보기
East, R. ELSEVIER 2000
148 저널기사 Advertising Restrictions and Concentration: The Case of Malt Beverages 미리보기
Sass, T. R. ELSEVIER 1995
149 저널기사 Advert-SD 0971 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
150 저널기사 Affective consumer responses in service encounters: The emotional content in narratives of critical incidents 미리보기
van Dolen, W. ELSEVIER 2001
151 저널기사 African evidence on the relation of poverty, time preference and the environment 미리보기
Moseley, W. G. ELSEVIER 2001
152 저널기사 After-tax term structures of real interest rates: Inferences from the UK linked and non-linked gilt markets 미리보기
Aziz, A. R. ELSEVIER 2000
153 저널기사 After the honeymoon: On the economics and the politics of economic transformation 미리보기
Wyplosz, C. ELSEVIER 1993
154 저널기사 Age at onset of bipolar II depressive mixed state/ 미리보기
Benazzi, Franco Elsevier 2001
155 저널기사 Age, housing demand, and real house prices 미리보기
Green, R. ELSEVIER 1996
156 저널기사 Agencies Are "Own Worst Enemy" 미리보기
Hancock, B. ELSEVIER 2000
157 저널기사 Agency and the design of welfare systems 미리보기
Boadway, R. ELSEVIER 1999
158 저널기사 Agency costs and innovation: Some empirical evidence 미리보기
Francis, J. ELSEVIER 1995
159 저널기사 Agency costs, asset specificity, and the capital structure of the firm 미리보기
Vilasuso, J. ELSEVIER 2001
160 저널기사 Agency in health care. Examining patients' preferences for attributes of the doctor-patient relationship 미리보기
Vick, S. ELSEVIER 1998
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