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2421 저널기사 An examination of the peer review process in accounting journals 미리보기
Bailey, C. D.; Hermanson, D. R.; Louwers, T. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
2422 저널기사 An examination of the proportional difference model to describe and predict health decisions 미리보기
Gonzalez-Vallejo, C.; Harman, J. L.; Mullet, E.; Munoz Sastre, M. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2012
2423 저널기사 An examination of the relationship between research productivity in prestigious business journals and popular press business school rankings 미리보기
Siemens, J. C.; Burton, S.; Jensen, T.; Mendoza, N. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
2424 저널기사 An examination of the relationships between JIT and financial performance 미리보기
Fullerton, R. R.; McWatters, C. S.; Fawson, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
2425 저널기사 An examination of the relative roles played by consumer behaviour settings and levels of involvement in determining environmental behaviour 미리보기
Bhate, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
2426 저널기사 An examination of the research?practice gap in HR: Comparing topics of interest to HR academics and HR professionals 미리보기
Deadrick, D. L.; Gibson, P. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
2427 저널기사 An examination of the role for Business Orientation in an uncertain business environment 미리보기
Lynch, J.; Mason, R. J.; Beresford, A. K.; Found, P. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
2428 저널기사 An examination of the role of online social media in journalists' source mix 미리보기
Lariscy, R. W.; Avery, E. J.; Sweetser, K. D.; Howes, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
2429 저널기사 An examination of the trade-off between internal and external IT capabilities 미리보기
Nevo, S.; Wade, M. R.; Cook, W. D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
2430 저널기사 An examination of the utility bearing characteristics of occupations: A factor analytical approach 미리보기
Wells, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
2431 저널기사 An examination of tourism journal development 미리보기
Cheng, C. K.; Li, X. R.; Petrick, J. F.; O'Leary, J. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
2432 저널기사 An examination of Value Line's long-term projections 미리보기
Szakmary, A. C.; Conover, C. M.; Lancaster, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
2433 저널기사 An example of creative accounting in public sector: The private financing of infrastructures in Spain 미리보기
Benito, B.; Montesinos, V.; Bastida, F. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2008
2434 저널기사 An example of nonlinear endogenous business cycle model: build in the trade union 미리보기
Imoto, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
2435 저널기사 An example of probability computations under the IAC assumption: The stability of scoring rules 미리보기
Diss, M.; Louichi, A.; Merlin, V.; Smaoui, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
2436 저널기사 An ex-ante approach to brand capability valuation 미리보기
Ratnatunga, J.; Ewing, M. T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
2437 저널기사 An ex ante ecological economic assessment of the benefits arising from marine protected areas designation in the UK 미리보기
Hussain, S. S.; Winrow-Giffin, A.; Moran, D.; Robinson, L. A.; Fofana, A.; Paramor, O. A.; Frid, C. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
2438 저널기사 An ex ante evaluation framework for the regional benefits of publicly supported R&D projects 미리보기
Roper, S.; Hewitt-Dundas, N.; Love, J. H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
2439 저널기사 An Ex-Ante View of the Battle of the Forms: Inducing Parties to Draft Reasonable Terms 미리보기
Ben-Shahar, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
2440 저널기사 An Ex-Ante View of the Battle of the Forms: Inducing Parties to Draft Reasonable Terms 미리보기
Ben-Shahar, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
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