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81 저널기사 Anti-consumption of public services: vacci(not)ion for Swine Flu 미리보기
Kaplan, M. D.; Kaplan, Y. C. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
82 저널기사 Applying activity-based costing approach for construction logistics cost analysis 미리보기
Fang, Y.; Ng, S. T. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
83 저널기사 Applying a non-deterministic conceptual life cycle costing model to manufacturing processes 미리보기
Settanni, E.; Emblemsvag, J. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2010
84 저널기사 Applying constructivism in instructivist learning cultures 미리보기
Porcaro, D. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
85 저널기사 Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in halal food purchasing 미리보기
Alam, S. S.; Sayuti, N. M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
86 저널기사 Are capital structure decisions of service SMEs different? Empirical evidence from Portugal 미리보기
Serrasqueiro, Z. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2011
87 저널기사 Are multinationals localizing their web sites?: The link between managerial attitudes and MNE web content 미리보기
Singh, N.; Baack, D. W.; Bott, J. P. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
88 저널기사 Are social media replacing traditional media in terms of brand equity creation? 미리보기
Bruhn, M.; Schoenmueller, V.; Schafer, D. B. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2012
89 저널기사 Assessing local partnerships: an organisational perspective 미리보기
Sorrentino, M.; Simonetta, M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
90 저널기사 Assessing power stations performance using a DEA-bootstrap approach 미리보기
91 저널기사 Assessing the use of Bourdieu's key concepts in the strategy-as-practice field 미리보기
Hurtado, P. S. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
92 저널기사 Assessment of emission trading impacts on competitive electricity market price 미리보기
Singh, S. N.; Saxena, D.; Ostergaard, J. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
93 저널기사 Asymmetric central bank's preference and inflation rate in Jordan 미리보기
Sweidan, O. D. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2009
94 저널기사 Asymmetry and time variation in exchange rate exposure: An investigation of Australian stocks returns 미리보기
Brooks, R. D.; Iorio, A. D.; Faff, R. W.; Fry, T.; Joymungul, Y. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
95 저널기사 Attitudes towards questionable negotiation tactics in Turkey 미리보기
Erkus, A.; Banai, M. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
96 저널기사 Attitude to schooling, wage premium and child labour 미리보기
Mukherjee, D.; Sinha, U. B. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2009
97 저널기사 Audio and video reflections to promote social justice 미리보기
Boske, C. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2011
98 저널기사 Auditing in enterprise system environment: a synthesis 미리보기
Kanellou, A.; Spathis, C. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011
99 저널기사 Audit risk model as a corporate social responsibility implementation of certified public accounting firms (evidence from Indonesia) 미리보기
100 저널기사 Authentic dialogue? The role of "friendship" in a social media recruitment campaign 미리보기
Henderson, A.; Bowley, R. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd 2010
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